Arcana Coelestia #1049

Da Emanuel Swedenborg

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1049. 'And I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you' means the Lord's mercy specifically towards those who have been regenerated, and those who are able to be. This too follows from what has been said above, for with the Lord 'remembering' is the same as showing mercy. The act of remembering cannot be attributed to the Lord since He knows from eternity every single thing. But having mercy can be attributed since He knows man's nature, namely that his proprium, as stated, is hell-like and constitutes his particular hell. For through the will side of his proprium he communicates with hell; and from hell and of itself that proprium is such that man has no greater or stronger desire than to plunge headlong into hell. Nor is he satisfied with that but desires [to take] everyone in the whole world [with him]. Because man of himself is by nature such a devil, and the Lord knows it, 'remembering the covenant' consequently means nothing else than having mercy, regenerating through Divine means, and by a mighty power drawing man towards heaven, insofar as he is such as to make this possible.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.