Internal and External

Da New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth
Photo by Caleb Kerr

To say that each of us has an internal “self” and an external “self” is not particularly revolutionary. We all have a natural sense that our thoughts and feelings are “inside” us and our bodies and actions are on the “outside” of us.

As Swedenborg describes it, though, “internal” and “external” are a little more nuanced: Our internals are our thoughts and intentions and also our understanding about and love for spiritual and divine truths and how these are to be processed by us. Swedenborg also points out that we have internals that we are aware of and those we are unaware of and which the Lord alone knows are there within us.

Externals are the expression of internals. Internals, thoughts and intentions, if not externalised, have little or no meaning. Yet externals without any internal can become dead, things of mere habit, and even hypocritical. Swedenborg says that the physical world and our activity in it forms the external plane of the spiritual world.

So let’s say you’re cooking your family’s favorite dinner. When you’re measuring ingredients, setting the oven temperature, thinking about when to start cooking something to be done at a particular time, that’s all external thinking. When you’re imagining how happy your spouse and children will be, how nice it will be to sit down to eat together, feeling a sense of joy in doing something nice for people, that’s internal thinking and feeling.

So which is more important? Ultimately, our place in heaven (or hell) will be determined by what we love, what makes us happy. So it’s clear that ultimately internal things are more important. That makes sense because they feel “higher,” like they come from a part of us that is more “us.”

But externals are important too. If you only think about that meal but don’t actually cook it, you won’t be sharing your love with your family in a very complete way. For another, our externals give us the chance to change. We can make ourselves do what’s right in externals even if we don’t really want to, and if we keep at it and ask the Lord to help He will ultimately change us so that we love to do good things.

Swedenborg makes one other key point about internals and externals, which is that while internals can “compel” externals (your deeper thoughts and feelings can control what you do on the outside), your externals cannot “compel” your internals (what you’re forced to do on the outside cannot control your thoughts and feelings on the inside). We see this all the time when one nation tries to rule over another, or when a repressive regime tries to control its own people. Ultimately hearts and minds cannot be controlled.

This is key when we are trying to help others: you might be able to force someone (your child, say, or your student, or someone who works for you) to do what you think is right, but unless you can appeal to his or her internals, you’re not really changing anything significant.

It’s also key when guiding ourselves in our own lives: forcing ourselves to do the right thing is meaningless unless we also start an internal dialog about what we truly want and truly think, and start opening up inside to the Lord.

(Riferimenti: Arcana Coelestia 1999, 5828 [3], 9824 [2]; The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine 46)