Arcana Coelestia # 8915

By ემანუელ შვედენბორგი

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

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8915. 'And the voice of the trumpet' means those same truths - Divine Truths from good - going through heaven. This is clear from the meaning of 'the voice of the trumpet' as the state of the angelic heaven which was round about the Divine, and as God's truth from there, dealt with in 8815, 8823. From this one may see what the Lord's words mean where He foretells the close of the age or final period of the Church, at which time,

The Lord will send angels with the loud voice of a trumpet, who will gather His elect from the four winds. Matthew 24:31.

People who do not know that all the Lord's words also have heavenly and Divine things stored within them, that is, that they hold in them an internal sense, will suppose that when the last judgement is imminent angels are going to appear and announce it, and also that they will gather the elect with 'the voice of a trumpet'. But 'the voice of a trumpet' is not used there to mean the sound of a trumpet but God's truth in its inward form spreading through heaven, and the proclaiming of it, see 4060 (end) as well as 8815, 8823.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.