ეს არის ორიგინალური ტექსტი: Explanation of 1 Kings 22:7 მიერ Henry MacLagan
Explanation of 1 Kings 22:7
შექმნილი ან თარგმნილია: Henry MacLagan
შექმნის თარიღი: 1905
კრედიტი: The explanation is drawn from this work: "The two books of Kings explained: A complete exposition of their spiritual or internal sense with copious proof references to the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, and short explanatory notes." The author was Henry Maclagan. Many thanks to Dr. Ian Thompson, www.biblemeanings.info, for his help obtaining the scanned text of this work.
ლიცენზია: Used with permission - იხილეთ ტერმინები
შესახებ: Published by J. Speirs, London, 1905. The New Christian Bible Study Project has parsed the text into chapter and verse level explanations for easy cross-referencing by Bible readers.
მიღებულია: https://biblemeanings.info