ეს არის თარგმანი: Index 1 - Verborum, Nominum, et Rerum in “Arcanis Coelestibus” მიერ Swedenborg, Emanuel
ორიგინალური ნამუშევარი მისი ავტორი არ გამოქვეყნებულა.
თარგმნა English
This is the first of two indexes that Swedenborg assembled as he worked on "Arcana Coelestia". It is similar to but not quite the same as James Hyde's Index, since Hyde re-arranged topics, and incorporated some entries from an index that Beyer made -- things that were not in Swedenborg's Latin manuscript (the scans of which will later be cross-linked with this text). Circa 1754?
ამ თარგმანის შესახებ:
This is the Latin text of the first draft of an index made by Swedenborg for his 1749-1757 work, "Arcana Coelestia." The manuscript was followed by a second draft fair copy that was not finished, which is also available in this system. The entries in the two manuscripts have been synced up by the Heavenly Doctrine Publishing Foundation's editorial team, to allow for easy comparison.
შექმნის თარიღი: 2022
კრედიტი: Many thanks to our friends at the Heavenly Doctrines Publishing Foundation for the permission to use this revision of the text.
საავტორო უფლებები: Heavenly Doctrines Publishing Foundation, Kempton, Pennsylvania
All rights reserved.
ლიცენზია: Used with permission - იხილეთ ტერმინები
შესახებ: Andrew J. Heilman, Editor and Secretary.
მიღებულია: https://www.heavenlydoctrinepublishing.org