Inner Meaning: Prophets, Psalms (Schreck translation - updated)

ეს არის თარგმანი: De Sensu Interno Librorum Propheticorum et Psalmorum Davidis მიერ Swedenborg, Emanuel

ორიგინალური ნამუშევარი მისი ავტორი არ გამოქვეყნებულა.

თარგმნა English


This study is a nicely organized overview/study guide for the internal sense of the books of the Prophets in the Old Testament, and all of the Psalms.

ამ თარგმანის შესახებ:

This study is a nicely organized overview/study guide for the internal sense of the books of the Prophets in the Old Testament, and all of the Psalms. Originally translated by Rev. J. E. Schreck in 1900, it was updated by NCBS editors in 2015.

შექმნის თარიღი: 2015

კრედიტი: Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

საავტორო უფლებები: New Christian Bible Study Corp.

All rights reserved.

ლიცენზია: Used with permission - იხილეთ ტერმინები

შესახებ: The original Latin was translated into English, by Rev. J. E. Schreck, and published in 1900 by the Swedenborg Foundation. NCBS editors have reformatted and numbered the text so that it can be used alongside Bible chapters online.


შემოთავაზებული ციტირება:

The Inner Meaning of the Prophets and Psalms. [Written in 1761, not published by the author.] Translated. Retrieved from:
