Over het Witte Paard (Barger vertaling)

ეს არის თარგმანი: De Equo Albo მიერ Swedenborg, Emanuel

თარგმნა Nederlands


In the Book of Revelation, Chapter 9, John records his vision of a white horse with its rider. The white horse symbolizes the Divine truth of the Lord's Word, as explained in this short work. That example leads into a good short introduction to the more general principle of the correspondences between the spiritual and physical worlds, and the internal meaning of the Word.

ამ თარგმანის შესახებ:

De apostel Johannes zag een visioen van een wit paard, dat de goddelijke waarheid van het Woord van de Heer symboliseert. Het illustreert een meer algemeen principe van correspondentie.

შექმნის თარიღი: 2019

კრედიტი: Nederlandse vertaling door Gerrit Barger, 1916. Digitale publicatie Swedenborg Boekhuis, 2019, op www.swedenborg.nl. The 1916 translation was revised by Guus Janssens, in 2019.

საავტორო უფლებები: Swedenborg Boekhuis NL

All rights reserved.

ლიცენზია: Used with permission - იხილეთ ტერმინები

მიღებულია: http://swedenborg.nl

შემოთავაზებული ციტირება:

Over het Witte Paard waarvan gesproken wordt in de Openbaring, Kap. 19. Translated. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
