Apocalypse Explained #898

작가: 엠마누엘 스베덴보리

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898. Write, signifies certainty. This is evident from the signification of "writing," as being certainty; for that which is said from heaven, and is commanded to be written, is like what has been endorsed, and thus is true, and consequently certain; here it means that those who endure spiritual temptations shall have consolations and be happy. "To write" signifies certainty because writing is the ultimate act of thought and of speech therefrom, and thus it means what is certain, because what is terminated. This may be compared with all things that a man wills, thinks, and speaks therefrom, and does not terminate by doing them; such things are not yet in man's life, for the ultimate in which prior things exist together is lacking. That "writing" thus signifies to inscribe on the life may be seen above n. 222.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.