Arcana Coelestia #4582

작가: 엠마누엘 스베덴보리

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4582. 'And poured oil onto it' means the Divine Good of love. This is clear from the meaning of 'oil' as the Divine Good of love, dealt with in 886, 3728. In the internal sense 'setting up a stone pillar, pouring out a drink-offering onto it, and pouring oil onto it' describes the process of progression from truth, as this exists in the ultimate degree, to truth and good that are more interior, and at length to the good of love. For 'a stone pillar' means truth as this exists in the ultimate degree of order, 4580; 'a drink-offering' means truth and good that are more interior, 4581; but 'oil' means the good of love. This was the nature of the process by which the Lord progressed when making Divine His Human; it is also the nature of the process by which man progresses when, through regeneration, the Lord makes him heaven-like.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.