Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide

이것은 원문의: Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide by Swedenborg, Emanuel


Is faith alone really workable? In this work Swedenborg argues carefully and convincingly that it isn't. He describes what faith is, how we work to develop it, and how it must be conjoined with charity, i.e. love to the neighbor, to be real faith.

해당 번역본에 대하여:

Sola fides operaturne? Swedenborg in hoc opere diligenter argumentatur id non esse. Describitur quid sit fides, quomodo cresceat, et quomodo conjuncta charitati, i.e., amor erga proximum, sit vera fides.

제작 및 번역: Swedenborg, Emanuel

날짜: 1763

라이센스: Public domain


추천 인용:

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide. Retrieved from:
