An Invitation to the New Church #22

작가: 엠마누엘 스베덴보리

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22. Man cannot discover a single Divine Truth, except he approach the Lord immediately. The reason is, that the Lord alone is the Word, and that He is Light and Truth Itself and that man does not become spiritual, except from the Lord only, but remains natural; and the natural man, in spiritual matters, sees all things invertedly. That this is so, is known from Paul. This is the reason why not a single truth has remained in the Church, so that there is now consummation, desolation, decision, and fulness. But because the Lord is not dead, therefore there still remains "a root left in the earth" according to Daniel [4:15, 23, 26]; also that man desires to die, but is not able, according to the [Apocalypse 9:6]. That which is "left" is the faculty of being able to understand truth, and of being able to will good. This is "the root that is left. "

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.