0. Index Generalis 1 - Experientiae Spiritualis
Second Latin Edition
Interpres Notae seu Notae::
Compiled but not published by the hand of Emanuel Swedenborg
Published by The Academy of the New Church in 1995
Bryn Athyn, PA 19009
Copyright 1995 and 1997 by the Academy of the New Church
[Editor's Notes]: This file contains only the First Index to the Diary of Spiritual Experiences. The preface to the Electronic Text is written for both Index 1 and 2.
[%2] Preface for the electronic text of the Indexes to the Spiritual Diary
Recently the Heavenly Doctrine Publishing Foundation (HDPF) sponsored the scanning of the entire collection of the works of Swedenborg at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (RSAS) in Stockholm. This collection includes most of the first editions and manuscripts of the theological, philosophical and scientific works written by Swedenborg. Among the manuscripts are many volumes or codices of indexes to the Sacred Scripture and to some of the theological works. They include two indexes to Diarium Spiritualium Experientiarum.
As the HDPF is desirous of making the scans of the Swedenborg collection available in the most accessible and usable form, we have undertaken to link these scans to the Latin electronic texts. This has been done in such a way that the pages of the original manuscripts can be displayed together with the Latin e-texts of the same page. We are indebted to the STAIRS Project which has scanned most of the Latin books and made the electronic text of these works available to the HDPF and the Kempton Project. But it was found that several of the Latin texts were not among the texts scanned by the Stairs Project. This was the case for all the indexes made by Swedenborg.
We need to thank the Rt. Rev. Brian Keith for scanning the text of the Second Latin Edition of the Spiritual Diary transcribed and published by the Academy of the New Church. These two indexes are found in volumes 5 and 6 of this work, published in 1995 and 1997, respectively. We have enhanced this text with subsections and markings to make it easier to use these texts alongside the scans of the manuscripts.
The First Index, found in Codices 42-45 in the RSAS collection, is an index to most of the Spiritual Diary from its beginning to paragraph 4644 in the Minor Diary. The first 148 paragraphs of the Spiritual Diary were lost, but this index gives us a fairly good idea of the subjects covered in these lost paragraphs. Both the first and second Latin editions of the Spiritual Diary use what is found in this Index to fill out this missing portion of the beginning of the Spiritual Diary itself, and the English and Portuguese translations of the Spiritual Diary include these portions of the First Index as well.
[%3] It should also be noted that the First Index of the Spiritual Diary also includes an index to the indented portions of the Adversaria or Word Explained where Swedenborg's earlier spiritual experiences are recorded. These indented portions of the Adversaria were excerpted and included in the beginning of the second Latin edition of the Spiritual Diary, renamed Experientiae Spirituales.
The Second Index, found in Codex 110 of the RSAS collection, covers the last part of the Spiritual Diary. There is considerable overlap between what is indexed in the First Index and what is indexed in the Second. We find entries in the Second Index as early as number 3428 and continuing almost to the end of the Spiritual Diary, showing us an overlap in the entries in the two indexes of a little over 1200 numbers. Why Swedenborg decided to reindex these numbers of the Spiritual Diary is not clear.
[%4] In the Spiritual Diary itself Swedenborg uses the numbers 4545 to 4714, both in what is called the Minor Diary, or the "interim diary," and in the main second volume as well. For an explanation of this, please see page xiv of the preface in Volume One of the Spiritual Experiences, published by the Academy of the New Church in 1983. When the First Index was made, these numbers were found only in the Minor Diary, and there was no ambiguity, and so the numbers found in the Minor Diary were used. But when the Second Index was made these numbers had been used twice. In order to avoid the amibiguity, Swedenborg used the numbers in the main second volume (or Codex 3), but used the page numbers of the Minor Diary (Codex 111) instead of the numbers he had inserted. The numbering in the Spiritual Diary seems to have been done not at the time the paragraphs were written but later, for the sake of indexing. Since only the first half of the Minor Diary was written when Swedenborg made the First Index, he only numbered these paragraphs. Swedenborg did not number the paragraphs in the second half of the Minor Diary, as page numbers for this section would be used in the Second Index.
[%5] In general, we have maintained the text as it was scanned by the Rt. Rev. Brian Keith from volumes 5 and 6 of Experientiae Spirituales, published by the Academy of the New Church. But we found it necessary for the sake of comparison between the Latin electronic text and the scans to add special formatting, subsections and symbols to make comparison easier for the average student of the Heavenly Doctrine who knows some Latin. For this purpose the following symbols and numbers were added:
1) The & sign followed by a number is added in front of the key words for the sake of indexing, matching the two indexes to each other, and searching the text of this index,
e.g., &25 Agnus. Quod lignariis appareat agnus, et consolatur eos, n. 330.
We have removed the numbering system used the second edition of the indexes to Experientiae Spirituales, which followed a square bracket as these number were simply sequential, and did not connect the same word in the two indexes.
2) The # sign followed by a number has been added in front of words being cross-referenced in the indexes using the word vide,
e.g., & 30 Ambulare, vide #382 Grasses.
This allows the program to display that word when it is double clicked. This also makes it easier to locate that word in the text when paging back and forth.
3) Various symbols, such as #, ((, ##, ==, etc. were added to approximate the symbols used by Swedenborg to mark that the text is being continued for a certain subject on the facing page,
e.g., De Judaeo, qui quaereret Abrahamum, Isacum et Jacobum, cui responsum, quod nihil opis ferre possint, sed quod Solus Dominus, Qui Messias, regat universum, n. 1197. ##
These symbols indicate the subject will be continued where these symbols are also found elsewhere on the same page or the facing page, and occasionally on the next page.
4) Subsection markers, such as [ %2] or [ %3+], were added to help in finding words in subjects with many entries, such as Dominus and Verbum. They were also used to divide the text at, or close to, where the entries for a specific subject continues from one page to the another. This allows for scrolling the Latin text alongside the manuscript pages,
e.g., [ %2+] ## Abramus, quod culpam mali, cumprimis Judaeorum,
where the subject is continued on the facing page. The % sign was added to indicate that the subsection only contains a portion or percentage of the entries for a specific subject in the index. The + sign is added after the number when a natural division follows the manuscript, such as moving from one page to another.
5) The symbol [><] is added when the text of a subject or entry passes from one page to another in the manuscript while still in the same entry. This is to help the reader when comparing the printed or electronic text with the manuscript,
e.g., nam quod adhuc interius est [><] non sufferre possunt, n. 3310. [%12+] Quod unaquaevis societas maximi hominis where this entry (for coelum) is continued on the facing page, the words nam quod adhuc interius est on the one page, and the words non suffere possunt on the other.
Occasionally the break from one page to the next comes in the middle of the word, so for the sake of searching for this word, the word is left intact, and is then inserted again in square brackets showing where break occurs,
e.g., quod scortentur [scor> [%6] Again, the Heavenly Doctrine Publishing Foundation would like to express their gratitude to the STAIRS Project and the Rt. Rev. Brian Keith for permission to use the text of the 2nd Edition of the Indexes to Experientiae Spirituales in this electronic version. It is hoped that this will increase the use of this invaluable work in the study of the Heavenly Doctrine, considering that such study has become more and more dependent on computer applications. We would also like to thank the Rev. Kurt Nemitz and the Rev. Kenneth Alden for their work on these Indexes as well. Without their collaboration it is doubtful we would be able to present this Latin e-text to the public at this time. Andrew J. Heilman, secretary of the HDPF Kempton, PA - November 2021 andyhdpf@kncs.org