Precepts of the Decalog (Rogers translation)

Haec est translatio: De Praeceptis Decalogi, per Swedenborg, Emanuel.

Opus originale ab auctore suo non editum est.

Interpretatio in English


Swedenborg wrote this as a draft for "The Doctrine of Life", basing it on the Ten Commandments.

De hac translatione:

Swedenborg wrote this as a draft for "The Doctrine of Life", basing it on the Ten Commandments.

Dies creationis: 1997

Prolatio: Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.

Jus exemplaris: General Church of the New Jerusalem

Copyright General Church of the New Jerusalem. All rights reserved.

Potestas: Used with permission - Conditiones manifestae:


Data editorum:

Editum: 1997 in Bryn Athyn, PA, USA a(b) General Church of the New Jerusalem ut partem * 'Three Short Works

Relatio Suggesta:

Precepts of the Decalog. [Written in 1762, not published by the author.] Translated. Bryn Athyn, PA, USA: General Church of the New Jerusalem, 1997. Retrieved from:
