True Christian Religion #228

By Emanuel Swedenborg

Studere hoc loco

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228. These facts establish that those who read the Word without doctrine are in the dark as regards every truth. Their minds are vacillating and uncertain, prone to errors and easily led into heresies, and indeed they embrace these, if they have the slightest popularity or authoritative support, and provided there is no risk to one's own reputation. For them the Word is like a lampstand without any lights, and in the dim light they think they see much, when in fact they can see hardly anything, since it is only doctrine which is a source of light. I have witnessed such people being tested by angels, who found that they could prove from the Word anything they wished; and what they proved was especially what arose from their self-love or the love of those whom they favour. But I saw them stripped of their clothes, a sign that they were devoid of truths, for clothing in that world consists of truths.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.