True Christian Religion #575

By Emanuel Swedenborg

Studere hoc loco

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575. There is a further description of what the unregenerated person is like in the comparison and similes found in Isaiah:

The spoonbill and the vulture shall possess it, and the owl and the raven shall live there, He will stretch across it a measuring-line of emptiness, and plumb-lines of desolation. From there the thorn shall climb up its altars 1 , the thistle and briar in its fortifications; and it becomes a dwelling of dragons, a courtyard for the daughters of the owl. There shall meet there tziim and iyim, and the satyr shall encounter his partner; indeed lilith shall rest there. There the blackbird shall build its nest, lay eggs, gather food and hatch its young in its shadow. There indeed shall kites flock, one with his partner. 2 Isaiah 34:11, 13-15.


1. Better 'palaces'; cf. Arcana Caelestia 7293-7294.

2. It is not entirely clear, either in the Latin or the original Hebrew, what all the creatures named are; where the Hebrew word is kept in Latin, it is also kept in English.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.