Apocalypse Explained #901

Po Emanuel Swedenborg

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/ 1232  

901. For their works do follow with them, signifies that they have spiritual life, which is the life of the angels of heaven. This is evident from the signification of "works," as being spiritual life, such as the angels of heaven have (of which presently); also from the signification of "to follow with them," as meaning to be in them, for what follows with anyone, when it is predicated of his life, is in him, and is as it were himself; therefore it is said "to follow with them," not follow them. "Works" signify the life of man because they constitute his life. For man has thought, will, and from these two, action. That which is in a man's thought and not in his will is not yet in him. That which is in thought and in the will, and not in act, this indeed enters the man, and forms a beginning to his life; and yet it goes forth and disappears, because it has not been terminated. But that which is in a man's will, and from that in act, constitutes his life, and remains, whether it be evil or good. That thought alone does not constitute man's life can be seen from this, that man is able to think many things that he does not will, because he does not love them. The thought and the will of man without the act do not constitute his life, because the will is not made sure, and a will not made sure is like water passing off into vapor, since it is easily changed by a love opposed to it. From all this it can be seen that by works which are acts of the will man's life is signified. That works, love, will, and act, also man's life, make one, may be seen above (n. 842).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.