Arcana Coelestia #1046

Po Emanuel Swedenborg

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1046. Verses 14-15 And when I cloud over the earth with cloud, and the bow is seen in the cloud, I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living soul in all flesh. And the waters will no more be a flood to destroy all flesh.

'And when I cloud over the earth with cloud' means a time when, the will part of man's proprium being what it is, faith that flows from charity does not appear. 'And the bow is seen in the cloud' means when man is still such as to be able to be regenerated. 'And I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you' means the Lord's mercy specifically towards those who have been regenerated, and those who are able to be. 'And with every living soul in all flesh' means the entire human race. 'And the waters will no more be a flood to destroy all flesh' means that it will not be possible any more for the understanding part of his mind to soak up the kind of persuasion that would cause him to perish as the [final] descendants of the Most Ancient Church did. These verses have regard to all people in general.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.