God the Savior (Duckworth translation)

Ovo je prijevod: De Deo Salvatore Jesu Christo, od Swedenborg, Emanuel

Izvorno djelo autor nije objavio.

Prevedeno na English


In this note, Swedenborg lists the key points that describe how God could save us by being born in human form, as Jesus Christ.

O ovom prijevodu:

In this note, Swedenborg lists the key points that describe how God could save us by being born in human form, as Jesus Christ.

Datum nastanka: 1975

Kreditna: Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Autorska prava: Swedenborg Society

Copyright Swedenborg Society. All rights reserved.

Licenca: Used with permission - vidjeti uslove

Dobiveno od: https://www.swedenborg.org.uk

Podaci o objavi:

Objavljeno: 1975 u London, England po Swedenborg Society kao dio 'Small Theological Works and Letters

Predloženi citat:

God the Savior. [Written in 1769, not published by the author.] Translated. London, England: Swedenborg Society, 1975. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
