Secrets of Heaven (New Century Edition, Cooper)

Ovo je prijevod: Arcana Coelestia, od Swedenborg, Emanuel

Prevedeno na English


This work explains the inner meaning of Genesis and Exodus. Chapter overviews are underpinned by analysis of the symbolism of Bible words.

O ovom prijevodu:

This work explains the inner meaning of Genesis and Exodus. Chapter overviews are underpinned by analysis of the symbolism of Bible words.

Datum nastanka: 2008, 2013

Kreditna: Many thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation and its New Century Edition team.

Autorska prava: Swedenborg Foundation

Copyright for Volume 1 (Sections 1-946 and 2013 for Volume 2, (Sections 947-1885). Copyright by the Swedenborg Foundation, West Chester, Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.

Licenca: Used with permission - vidjeti uslove

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Podaci o objavi:

Objavljeno: 2008 u West Chester, PA po Swedenborg Foundation kao dio 'Secrets of Heaven

Objavljeno pod nazivom: Secrets of Heaven (Volume 1).

ISBN: 9780877854869

759 stranice

Predloženi citat:

Secrets of Heaven. Translated. West Chester, PA: Swedenborg Foundation, 2008. Retrieved from:
