True Christian Religion #372

Po Emanuel Swedenborg

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372. (iv) This reciprocal link between the Lord and man is created by means of charity and faith.

It is known at the present time that the church constitutes the body of Christ, and that each individual, in whom the church is, is in some member of that body, as Paul says (Ephesians 1:23; 1 Corinthians 12:27; Romans 12:4-5). But what is the body of Christ but Divine good and Divine truth? This is what is meant by the Lord's words in John:

He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him, John 6:56.

The Lord's flesh means Divine good, as bread does too; His blood means Divine truth, as wine does too; for these meanings, see the chapter on the Holy Supper [698-752].

[2] It follows from this that in so far as a person is in possession of the kinds of good which make up charity and the truths which make up faith, so far is he in the Lord and the Lord is in him. For linking with the Lord is spiritual linking, and this takes place solely through charity and faith. It was shown in the chapter on the Sacred Scripture (248-253) that every detail of the Word contains a linking of the Lord and the church, and so of good and truth; and because charity is good and faith is truth, there is at every point in the Word a linking of charity and faith. From these propositions it now follows that the Lord is charity and faith in a person, and a person is charity and faith in the Lord. For the Lord is the spiritual charity and faith in a person's natural charity and faith, and a person is the natural charity and faith coming from the Lord's spiritual charity and faith. These when linked constitute spiritual-natural charity and faith.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.