Deuteronomy 5:25
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Од страна на Alexander Payne
Verse 25. And the external principles of the soul fear that they will entirely lose their own proper life, and that the life of heaven will perish with them, for they are not able to receive the pure love of the Lord; and they fear that if they have to act on the dictates of the Divine Goodness and Wisdom proceeding from that love, their own proper life will perish, or all that is spiritual, with them. [Note.—As an illustration it may be mentioned that when it is first perceived in the soul that the Lord Jehovah is absolutely unselfish, that all His dealings are dictated by the desire to give all He has to others as far as they can receive it, the fear arises that if the soul were to endeavour to follow this example, and become perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect, it would lose all that is delightful in life.]
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