Arcana Coelestia #10810

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/ 10837  

10810. I saw then a dark cloud over to the east coming down from a certain height. As it came down it appeared gradually to fill with light and take a human form, which at length was surrounded by a radiance, and this by tiny stars of the same colour. This was how the Lord made Himself present among the spirits I was talking to. At His presence there gathered together from every side all the spirits who were there; and as they came the good were parted from the evil, the good going to the right and the evil to the left. They did so instantly, as if of their own accord. Those to the right were arranged into order in accord with the character of the good present in them, and those to the left in accord with the character of the evil present in them. Those who were good were left to form a heavenly community among them, but the evil ones were thrown into hell. Afterwards I saw that fiery radiance descending to lower parts of the earth there, a considerable way down, when at one time it had a flaming appearance turning to mere brightness, then a bright appearance turning to dullness, and then a dull appearance. I was told by angels that this appearance was attributable to the reception of truth from good and of falsity from evil among those who inhabit the lower parts of the earth there, and not in any way at all to such changes in the actual radiance. They also said that the lower parts of the earth there were inhabited by both good people and evil ones, but that these were kept well apart in order that the Lord might rule the evil by means of the good. The angels added that periodically the good are raised to heaven by the Lord, and others then take their place, and so on unceasingly. As that radiance descended the good were set apart from the evil in a similar way, and all things were restored to order. For by various wiles and tricks the evil ones had got themselves into the homes of the good and molested the good; and this was why that visitation had taken place.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.