Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture #52

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52. It can be seen from this that people who read the Word apart from doctrine, or who do not acquire for themselves doctrine from the Word, are in darkness as regards any truth, and that their minds meander and are unsure, prone to error, and moreover are open to heresies, which they embrace if bias or authority favors them and their reputation is not endangered. For the Word is for them like a lampstand without light, and in the darkness they seem to see much, and yet see scarcely anything, inasmuch as doctrine alone is the lamp.

I have seen people of this character examined by angels and found to be able to affirm from the Word whatever they will, and to affirm whatever accords with their love and with the love of those whom they favor. I have also seen them stripped of their clothing, a sign that they were without truths. Garments in that world are truths.

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Thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.