Secrets of Heaven #1755

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1755. These shall take their share means that they were given power over [the evil spirits], as can be seen from what was said above at verses 21, 22, 23: that the Lord wanted nothing from [the evil spirits], since they had no strength to offer him. 1

As regards the power over them given to the angels: A great deal of experience has made clear to me that angels are the ones who rule over evil and hellish spirits, but the Lord sees and foresees absolutely everything, and provides for and arranges absolutely everything. Sometimes he does so with bare tolerance, sometimes with reluctant permission, sometimes with acceptance, sometimes with pleasure, and sometimes with a will. The desire to control others is a strictly human trait, at odds with traits angels receive from the Lord, but when desire is absent, all control comes of love and mercy.

This idea is fairly arcane, though, so it cannot be explained intelligibly in a few words. It is enough to know that evil and hellish spirits are put under the angels' power and that the Lord governs absolutely everything, even the most minute details. I will say more about this below, with the Lord's divine mercy, where providence and permission are discussed [§2447].


1. On the powerlessness of the evil, see especially §1749. [LHC]

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Many thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation and its New Century Edition team.