Ова е превод на: Appendix de Equo Albo, од Swedenborg, Emanuel
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Преведено на English
This is Swedenborg's draft of a potential supplement to his work on "The White Horse."
За овој превод:
In 1758, Swedenborg published "The White Horse, using this image from Revelation to illustrate that the Word is written using correspondences between spiritual and natural things. In 1769, he wrote this letter to Rev. Thomas Hartley, providing more examples of places in the Word where horses correspond to the understanding of truth.
Датум на создавање: 1975
Кредит: Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.
Авторски права: Swedenborg Society
Copyright Swedenborg Society. All rights reserved.
Лиценца: Used with permission - види термини
За: This translation was mostly written by John Chadwick and finished by John Elliot.
Добиено од: https://www.swedenborg.org.uk
Податоци за објавување:
Објавено: 1975 во London, England од страна на Swedenborg Society како дел од 'Small Theological Works and Letters