Arcana Coelestia #5921

വഴി ഇമ്മാനുവൽ സ്വീഡൻബർഗ്

ഈ ഭാഗം പഠിക്കുക

/ 10837  

5921. 'That with my mouth I am speaking to you' means a revelation. This is clear from the consideration that the first thing attesting to it was the fact that they saw with their own eyes, the second that Benjamin saw with his eyes, and now the third that with his own mouth he was speaking to them. By the use of such evidence he removed all doubt that he was Joseph; he had therefore fully revealed who he was, which is why the words under explanation here imply a revelation.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.