Divine Love and Wisdom

വഴി New Christian Bible Study Staff, John Odhner

The middle, the core, the essence of God is love. This divine love is the transcendent "stuff" that drives, creates, and sustains everything - all things that exist on all planes of existence.

Love wants to work, to flow, to create happiness. How does it do it? Through wisdom. The power of the divine love can be formed and ultimated by operating through divine wisdom.

There's a marriage between the two - divine love and divine wisdom. Swedenborg refers to them in Latin terms, as the Esse and Existere, roughly translated in English as Essence and Existence.

This conjunction, or marriage, is at the very heart of it all. It is represented in the successive degrees of creation, down to the physical universe, and in life on earth. In our minds, there is love, and there is wisdom. If we unite our good loves to wise thinking, we're then able to create happiness, too, each in our own unique way.