From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #2754

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2754. The most deceitful spirits sometimes appear high overhead, but their hell is deep down beneath the heel. They are the modern equivalents of those before the Flood. They entice by means of innocence, by means of mercy, and with persuasion by means of various good affections. When they lived in the world they were adulterers more than all others. Wherever there was a young and beautiful wife they went in without any conscience and by such means roused her to be wanton. They are invisible, nor do they wish to be exposed, for they act without being detected. They are also cruel, for they have studied only themselves and have considered it of no importance even if the whole world perished for them. Large numbers of such spirits exist at the present time, and I have been told that they come from Christendom. Their hell is the most oppressive of all.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #3189

Study this Passage

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3189. 'And her maids' means subsidiary affections. This is clear from the meaning of 'a girl' 1 when Rebekah is called such, as an affection that has innocence within it, dealt with in 3067, 3110; but when those who followed Rebekah to serve her are called 'maids', subsidiary affections are meant. Every affection appears to be a simple or single entity, but in fact it contains countless details within itself, see 3078. All these details are affections grouped together and existing in a form beyond comprehension. They also stand in positions subordinate one to another, for there are some that direct and others that obey. The communities of heaven assume a similar form, indeed heaven as a whole does so; for they are ordered by the Lord according to the Divine form which exists in Himself. The Lord's spiritual kingdom assumes its form in accordance with the ordered arrangement of affections in His Divine Human. This arrangement is the subject in the internal sense of this chapter and of those that follow. But very few of these details are able to be explained intelligibly, being suited to the perception of angels.


1. The English terms maid and girl translate the same Latin word puella.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.