From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #2786

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2786. 'And went to the place of which God had told him' means the state at that time according to perception. This is clear from the meaning of 'place' as state, dealt with in 1273-1277, 1376-1381, 2625, and from the meaning of 'God's telling him' as perceiving from the Divine, dealt with in 2769, 2778. As regards the state itself, this is described in the present verse - the state which the Lord assumed when undergoing temptations, here that state when He underwent the severest and inmost temptations. The preliminary preparation for that state consisted in His entering a state of peace and innocence, and also in the preparation by Him of His natural man, and of His rational man too, so that these might serve the Divine Rational, to which He joined the merit of righteousness, and by doing these things raising Himself up.

[2] These matters cannot possibly be explained intelligibly or presented to the thought of anyone who does not know that many states exist together simultaneously, yet distinct and separate from one another, and who also does not know what a state of peace and innocence is, what the natural man is, and what the rational man is, as well as what the merit of righteousness is. He must first have a distinct idea of all of these, and must also know that from the Divine the Lord was able to bring Himself into whatever states He pleased, and that He prepared Himself to enter temptation by bringing about many states. Although these matters are with man enveloped in obscurity like that of night, they are bathed in light like that of day with the angels; for the angels, dwelling in the light of heaven flowing from the Lord, see countless things - each distinctly - within those matters and others like them, and from the affection flowing in at the same time experience indescribable joy. From this it may become clear how far removed man's ability to understand and perceive is from angels' ability to do so.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #5199

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5199. 'Beautiful in appearance' means which are expressions of faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'beauty' and 'appearance'. Spiritual 'beauty' is essentially an affection for interior truth, while spiritual 'appearance' is essentially faith, so that 'beautiful in appearance' means an affection for the truth of faith, see 553, 3080, 3821, 4985. The reason spiritual beauty is an affection for interior truth is that truth is the outward form taken by good. The good which they receive in heaven from the Divine provides angels with the life they possess; but the outward form taken by that life is provided by the truths springing from that good. The truth of faith however does not provide the beauty but the affection itself present within the truths of faith springing from good. Beauty that is provided solely by the truth of faith is like the beauty of a face seen in a painting or a sculpture, but the beauty provided by an affection for truth springing from good is like the beauty of a real face full of life imparted to it by heavenly love; for as is the love - that is, as is the affection - which shines out of the form provided by the face, so is the beauty seen there. This being so, the outward appearance of the angels is indescribably beautiful. Their faces are radiant with the good of love passing through the truth of faith, which good and truth not only present themselves visually but can also be felt from the spheres that emanate from them.

[2] The reason why this is the source of beauty is that heaven in its entirety is the Grand Man and has a correspondence with every single part of the human being. Everyone therefore who has the good of love and for that reason the truth of faith present in him has the form which heaven possesses present within him; and as a consequence of this there is also imparted to him the beauty which heaven possesses, heaven being a place where the Divine going forth from the Lord is the All in all. This also explains why those in hell, being the opposite of what is good and true, are horribly ugly, and in the light of heaven do not look like human beings but like monsters. The reason why spiritual appearance (aspectus) is faith is that in the internal sense 'looking at (aspicere) and seeing' means understanding, and in a sense more internal than this having faith is meant, see 897, 2150, 2315, 2807, 3863, 3869, 4403-4421.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.