From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #4792

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4792. Because food and nourishment correspond to spiritual food and nourishment, taste consequently corresponds to a perception of and an affection for this food. Spiritual food consists in knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom. These are what quicken and also sustain spirits and angels, who desire them and have an appetite for them as men desire and have an appetite for food when they are very hungry. Therefore appetite corresponds to that desire for them. And what is amazing, spirits and angels also grow to maturity on that spiritual food, for those who die as young children do not in the next life look like any but young children, and they are young children too as far as their understanding goes. But as they grow in intelligence and wisdom they cease to look like young children. They now look like those who are coming of age, and at length like adults. I have talked to some who died when they were young children and who looked to me like youths, for by then they had grown in understanding. From this one may see what spiritual food and nourishment are.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #10264

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10264. 'A compounded ointment' means present within every single part of His Human. This is clear from the meaning of 'ointment' - when it refers to 'an anointing oil', by which a representative sign of the Divine Good of the Lord's Divine Love is meant - as what is Divine within every single part of His Human. 'A compounded ointment' has this meaning because all the sweet-smelling substances which were mentioned above, namely the best myrrh, sweet-smelling cinnamon, sweet-smelling calamus, and cassia, should be understood by a compounded ointment. Furthermore in the original language a sweet smell in general is meant by the word that is used; but translators render it 'ointment', from 'anointing'.

[2] 'A compounded perfume' 1 means present within every single part of the Lord's Human, because truths on every level of that Human, and the accompanying perceptions and affections, are meant. That is to say, truth on its lowest level, which is that of the senses, and the perception that accompanies it, is meant by 'myrrh', 10252; the interior truth of the natural or external man, and the perception and affection that accompany it, by 'sweet-smelling cinnamon', 10254; truth even more interior, belonging to the internal man, and the perception and affection that accompany it, by 'sweet-smelling calamus', 10256; and inmost truth, and the perception and affection that accompany it, by 'cassia', 10258. Thus the Human at every level is meant by these spices, for everything without exception that resides within the human being has some connection with truths and with perceptions of and affections for them; for these compose his actual life.

[3] It may be known that a human being without any perception of or affection for truth and good is not a human being; for everything without exception that a human being thinks about has some connection with truths and perceptions of them, and with forms of good and affections for them. Human thoughts and affections are nothing else; for the human being possesses the power of understanding and the power of will, the understanding being composed of the perception of truth, and the will of the affection for good. The whole human being from head to toe, inwardly and outwardly, consists of nothing other than truth or falsity that is his, and of good or evil that is his, the body being their outward form. But this is an arcanum unknown in the world as yet.

[4] From all this it now becomes clear that 'a compounded perfume' or 'a compounded ointment' - by which all degrees of truth from last and lowest to inmost, thus truths in their complete entirety, should be understood - means everything without exception within the human being or of which the human being consists. Consequently when that sweet-smelling ointment is spoken of in reference to the Lord, every single part of His Human is meant.

[5] It says, 'You shall make it an anointing oil, a compounded perfume, the work of a perfumer', because 'an anointing oil' means the actual Divine Good of Divine Love, which was within the Lord from conception, 9954, 10011, 10019; 'a compounded perfume' means its presence within every single part of His Human; and 'the work of a perfumer (or ointment-maker)' means as a result of the influx and operation of Divinity itself. For the Lord alone as to His Divine Human was Jehovah's Anointed, see 9954.


1. An alternative rendering of the Hebrew words translated a compounded ointment

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.