From Swedenborg's Works


Index - Arcana Coelestia (Hyde edition) #1

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Aaron (Aharon). Aaron denotes the doctrine of good and truth, 6998, 7009; the truth of doctrine which proceeds mediately from the Lord, 7009; the Lord as to good: shown, 9806; the external of the Word, the Church, and worship, separated from the internal: illustrated, 10397.

Moses denotes the Word in the internal sense; Aaron denotes doctrine therefrom, when they are named together, 7089. Moses denotes the internal law or truth; Aaron denotes the external law or truth, 7382. Moses denotes the internal; Aaron denotes the external, 10468. Aaron denotes the doctrine of truth from the external sense of the Word, and Hur denotes truth of that doctrine, 9424. The sons of Aaron denotes Divine Truth proceeding from Divine Good, 9807. The priesthood succeeded from Aaron to his sons, because they represented the Lord as to Celestial Divine Good; consequently the celestial kingdom is a kingdom of priests: briefly shown, 9946. The priesthood of Aaron, his sons, and the Levites denotes the work of the Lord's salvation in successive order, 10017. Aaron and his garments represent the higher heavens, thus the celestial kingdom, and his sons and their garments represent the lower heavens, or the spiritual kingdom, 10068.

Abel (Abel). Abel denotes charity, 342, 354.

Abib, The Month (Abib mensis). Abib denotes the beginning of a new state, 8053, 9291.

[Abide, To. See To DWELL.]

Abihu (Abihu). See NADAB.

[Ability. See MIGHTY and POWER.]

Abimelech (Abimelechus). Abimelech, because he denotes the doctrine of faith, also represents, in the supreme sense, the Lord, 3393, 3401; those who are in the doctrine of faith, and regard truths in cognitions, 3392; the doctrine of faith that regards rational things, 3391, 3397, 3447.

The king of the Philistines denotes doctrinal things, 3365, 3391. The king of Gerar denotes the doctrine of faith that regards rational things, 2504, 2509, 2510.

[Abodes. See MANSIONS.]

Abomination (abominatio). Abomination denotes the separation of perverted things from goods, 6052; infernal foulness and defilement, 7454. [The abomination of desolation denotes the state of the Church when there is no love and no charity, 2454:4, 3652.]

Abortion (abortus). See To BRING FORTH.

[About. See ROUND About.]

Above (supra). What is interior is expressed by that which is higher, 2148, 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325. Lower things may be seen from higher, not contrariwise, 8237. To look above and below self, 7814-7821. See CHARITY.

[Abraham (Abraham). See under ABRAM.]

Abram (Abram). Abram knew not Jehovah, 1356; was an idolater, 1356, and worshipped the god Shaddai, 1992; is unknown in heaven, 1834:3, 1876; but when he is named the Lord is understood, 1989.

What Abram signifies, 1732, 1741. What Abram the Hebrew signifies, 1702, 1741. Abram represents the Lord in that state and in that age, 1989; the common stock of the Church where the Word is, 3778, and the genuine Church, 4206, 4207. Because by Abram the Lord is represented, by him many things are represented, 1965, 3245. Abram was called Abraham, the letter H being inserted from Jehovah, so as to represents the Divine of the Lord, 2010.

Abraham knew not Jehovah, 7194; worshipped other gods, 3667:2; in the first state, worshipped other gods, 2559.

Abraham denotes the Lord in that state, 2501; also the Lord's Divine Human; when, 2833, 2836; represents the Lord, and more besides, 3245; represented the Divine of the Lord, which is the Father, and the Divine Human, which is the Son, but the Divine Human from eternity, 3251. Jehovah the God of Abraham denotes the Divine of the Lord, which Abraham represents, 3439. Jehovah the God of Abraham thy father denotes the Lord, that from Him is good, 3703. Abraham represents the Lord's Human as to Good; Sarah represents the Lord's Human as to Truth, 2172, 2198. Abraham and Keturah represents the Lord's Divine Spiritual, 3236. The sons of Abraham by Keturah represents the Lord's Spiritual Kingdom with derivations, 3239-3242.

The fathers of the Jews, as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, worshipped each his own god, 5998. See JEW. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob worshipped the god Shaddai, 3667:2. If the historicals were the Word, apart from the internal sense, many, such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, would be esteemed as saints and as gods, when yet there is nothing more in them than in others, in the other life, 3229. When Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are named in the Word, the Lord is understood, in heaven, and as to the Divine Itself and the Divine Human: shown, 6804.

What is represented by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the supreme sense, or in the Lord; and what in the representative sense with man, 6098. Abraham signifies the Lord's Internal Man, and what Isaac and Jacob signifies, 1893. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob denotes the Lord, and the Lord as to the Human not yet made Divine, 7193; the Divine Life together, thus the Divine Itself, the Divine Rational, and the Divine Natural, 4615; in the supreme sense, the Lord; and, in the relative sense, internal and external good, 6276; heaven and the Church: illustrated, 10445; represents three things in the Lord, which are one, and three things in the Church, 6185. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob denotes the Lord as to the Divine Itself and the Divine Human, 6847. A covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob denotes conjunction by means of the Divine Human of the Lord, 6804. The seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob denotes the goods and truths of heaven and the Church, 10445. What to swear by Abraham, Isaac, and. Jacob signifies, 6589. To sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob denotes to be with the Lord; and to come to Abraham's bosom denotes to be in the Lord, 3305:7. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob buried in the land of Canaan signifies regeneration and resurrection, because the Church was there, 6516.

[Abrech (Abrech). Abrech denotes adoration, 5323. See KNEE.]

Abscesses (apostemata). Abscesses in the cavity of the breast; who corresponds to them, 5188. See WOUND.

Abstract (abstractum). In heaven they think and speak by abstract things; why, 4380e, 8343, 8985, 9007. See PERSON.

Abyss (abyssus). Abyss denotes those who are in lusts and falsities, 18; temptations, also hell, 756, 845. Abysses, in that they are waters in plenty, denote truths of faith in abundance, also falsities from lusts; thence the hells: shown, 8278; temptations: shown, 8278:3; the hells as to falsities; and depths denote the hells as to evils, 8279. See also DEPTH. The abyss lying beneath denotes scientifics which are in the natural, 6431.

Accident, By (fortuitu). See FORTUNE.

Accurse, To (devovere). To accurse denotes casting out from the Church, and an extirpation of falsities from evil, 9193.

Acknowledge, To (agnoscere). It is one thing to know (scire), another to acknowledge, and another to have faith, 896. [See also under SCIENCE.]

Acquainted with, To be (nosse). See To KNOW and To COGNIZE.

Acquisition (acquisitio). What acquisition signifies, 1435, 1717, 1851. Acquisition denotes those things which are acquired; thus scientifics, truths, and goods, 1435, 1851, 4105, 4391, 4487, 6017; the scientific from which a man thinks, 1435; good and truth in general, 4391; truths acquired, 6017. Acquisition denotes truth, and substance denotes good, 4105. Acquisition denotes the good of truth, and purchase denotes truth, 4487.

Act, To (agere). Reagency is from agency, 6262. The conjunction of good and truth illustrated by agency and reagency, 10729:2. See REGENERATION.

Action (actio). See To ACT.

[Active. See To ACT.]

Adam (Adam). See MAN (homo). That the history of creation in the first chapters of Genesis is made-up history is illustrated from various things therein, 8891:2. Adam's nakedness is explained, 9960:19. See NAKEDNESS.

Add, To (addere). 'God hath gathered my reproach, and Jehovah will add another son,' from which words Joseph was named, denotes, in the supreme sense, the Lord as to the Divine Spiritual; in the internal sense, the Spiritual Kingdom, or the good of faith; in the external sense, salvation, also fructification and multiplication, 3969:4.

[Adhere, To. See To CLEAVE.

Adjure, To. See To SWEAR.

Admah and Zeboim (Adma et Zeboim). What Admah and Zeboim signifies, 1212.]

Adoration (adoratio). Adoration is described, 1153:2. There is no adoration unless there is charity, 1150. To fall upon the face was a mode of adoring with the ancients; why, 1999. [See also WORSHIP.]

Adornment (ornatus). Adornment denotes holy truth, also the Divine in externals: illustrated, 10536; shown, 10540.

Adullam (Adulla). Adullamite denotes truth which is from good; in the opposite sense, falsity which is from evil, 4816, 4854.

Adultery (adulterium). See also HARLOT. Everyone can know how impious adultery is, if he would think about it as a case of his own wife being thus deceived, 2733:3. The mercilessness and religious condition of adulterers, 2747. Adulterers wish to obsess men, 2752; are cruel, 824; excite pain in the loins and genital members, 5059, 5060. The greatest adulterers, when they apply themselves, induce pain in the periostea everywhere and heaviness in the stomach, 5714. Adulterers do not fear Divine and human laws, but they fear blows, 2748. How filthy their ideas are, 2747, 2748. Adulteries are also destructive of society, since all adulterers are in the love of self, 2045:2. Marriages are most holy, but adulteries are most profane, 9961:4; they are profane and from hell, 10174. They who take delight in adulteries do not believe those things which relate to heaven and the Church, because it is from the marriage of evil and falsity, which is infernal, 10175.

When anyone commits adultery on earth, heaven is closed against him; his character hereafter, 2750. Adulterers cannot come into heaven, 2747, 2748. It is impossible for them to enter into heaven, 827; they cannot approach to heaven, and adulteries are contrary to conjugial love, the laws of both kingdoms, and order, 2733:2. An adulterer approaching towards heaven rejected, 539. By accustomed blandishments adulterers insinuated themselves into societies, but were rejected, beaten, and at length associated with their like in the hells, 2753. Angelic bliss and felicity communicated to adulterers become nauseous, painful, and stinking, on which account they cast themselves together into hell, 2749.

Concerning the hells of those who have lived in adulteries and lasciviousness, see HELL. In their hells they love dirt and excrements, 2755. Concerning those who are most filthy; their filthiness is unmentionable; their character and hell, 5722. Adulterers are in the excrementitious hells, 5394. The most deceitful adulterers beyond others, are above the head: they ensnare by means of innocence and mercy; their hell is the most grievous, 2754. The hell of cruel adulterers is under the right foot, where those are who are of the Jewish nation; from experience, 5057. A body of adulterers which sends out investigators who report that they are against conjugial love, good and truth, and the Lord, 2751. Adulterers who are in contraries are they who ensnare in conjugial love, by means of love, friendship, and kindnesses; concerning whom from experience, 5060. The very grievous punishment of those who have communion of wives, 2756. One who by adulteries and whoredoms extinguished the desire for marriage and the procreation of offspring; his punishment, 2746. With the lascivious who have not extinguished the desire of procreating offspring there is heat, 2757. The hell of those from the Church who have lived in faith separated from charity, and in a life of evil, is under that of adulterers; the reason, 8137:2.

Adulteries denotes the perversions of truth and good, 3399; adulterations of good, and whoredoms denotes falsifications of truth; this is from representative things, 2466, 2729. To commit adultery (adulterari), whoredom (moechari), and fornication (scortari), denotes to pervert those things which relate to faith; thus to apply the Word to the confirmation of evils and falsities; in the internal, representative sense, to worship idols: shown, 8904. Prohibited degrees signify profanations of various kinds, 6348:2. The dog Cerebus denotes a guard lest anyone pass over from the heavenly delight of conjugial love to the opposite, 2743, 5051:2. See DOG.

[Adversary. See ENEMY.]

Afar (longinquum). To see from afar denotes to perceive remotely, 4723. To stand afar off denotes remoteness from internals, thus from good and truth: shown, 8918. To bow oneself from afar off denotes humiliation, also adoration from the heart, and then the influx of the Lord, 9377. See also NEAR.

Affection (affectio). See also LOVE, CHARITY. Affection is that which is continuous of love, 3339. What the delight of affection is, 3933e. See DELIGHTFULNESS. Celestial affections are altogether incomprehensible and inexpressible, 3339, 3857:3. Every affection contains in itself things innumerable; concerning which things; and the affection is the whole man, 3078, 3189. To one affection there are many subordinate affections, and these in an incomprehensible form, 3189. The quality of the love and affection of a man is known from the end; concerning which subject see 3796:2.

There is an affection of good and an affection of truth; what the distinction between them is, 1904, 1997. The quality of those who are in the affection of good, and that of those in the affection of truth; the distinction, 2425:2, 2429:2. There is an affection of rational truth, and that of scientific truth, 2503. The first affection in the natural man is not that of genuine truth, but the affection of this truth comes afterwards, 3040. What the genuine affection of truth is, and its nature; and what the affection of truth, not genuine, is, and its nature; the distinction, 8993:3. Affections, when they ascend or are elevated towards the interiors, become gentler, and other spiritual affections are substituted, 3909. The affection of truth appears to be from truth, but it is from good, 4373. All affections are bonds, and they are external and internal, 3835. Those who are in truths without affection, [who are man-servants,] and those who are in truths from affection, who are maid-servants; the distinction between them, 8994:3.

Affections are what excite truths and falsities, 2480e. The celestial angel’s form to themselves lights of affections, and then of ideas, from the affection of good and truth in the Word,2157, 2275. Conjunction is made by means of affections, 3939. The conjunction of truth with good is made by means of affection, 3024. By means of affections the implantation and conjunction of the love of good and truth are effected: illustrated, 4018. Truths are nothing without affections: illustrated, 3849. The affection of good is adjoined to truth in the natural man by the Lord, with man, and, through the affection of good, truths are produced, and so falsities and evils are removed, 3336:3. Affection is insinuated by means of refusal, 4366, 4368. Truth without affection does not enter, still less inhere, 3066. Affection always adjoins itself to the subjects which are implanted in the memory, and is, together with them, reproduced, 3336:2. Heavenly freedom is from the affection of truth and good, and infernal freedom, from the affection of falsity and evil, 2873. See FREEDOM. To imitate affections, as if they were heavenly, from the proprium, is infernal, 10309.

All affections have gestures corresponding to them, 2153. Affections are signified by little children, girls, young women, and daughters, but with a difference, 3067.

Affinity (affinitas). There are affinities of love and faith, 917. There are consanguinities and affinities relating to heavenly loves, 2739. With all things in man there are consanguinities and affinities, 2508, 2524, 2556. If men recognised and perceived what good is, they would then first know innumerable things: namely, the proximities of good and truth, such as they are in heaven, 3612. Societies in heaven are situated like consanguinities and affinities on earth, 685. All consanguinity in heaven is from good, and proceeds therefrom, 3815. Consanguinities and affinities in the other life take place according to good, 4121. To contract affinities denotes union, 4450.

Affirmative (affirmativum). The affirmative of good and truth must be the first thing of man's regeneration, 3923. There must be the affirmative of truth before the influx of good from the Lord can be received, 3913e. They who consult scientifics concerning Divine things, if they are in an affirmative state, are confirmed; if in a negative state, they are weakened, and at length believe nothing, 4760. The learned more than the simple denotes this; and they believe less, because they consult scientifics from a negative state, and so deprive themselves of interior sight, 4760:4.

Affliction (afflictio). Affliction is predicated respecting truth, 4060; denotes temptation, 1846, 5356; the means of arriving at good, 3864; infestation, 6663, 6851. To afflict denotes to infest by falsities of doctrine; to oppress denotes to infest by evils of life, 9196. By to afflict the soul is signified to compel to do good, 1947.

After (post). See also BACKWARDS. After denotes near to, 5216. After thee, what it signifies, 2019. To go after them, when spoken of the Divine, denotes to protect lest evils should flow into the voluntary, 8194. See also BACK. To be, go, walk after, denotes to follow and consociate with them: shown, 9251.

Agate, Ligure, Amethyst (achates, cyanus, amethystus). Agate, ligure, amethyst, denotes the spiritual love of good, or the internal good of the Spiritual Kingdom, 9870.

Age (aetas). Concerning the successive states of a man according to ages; the first is from birth to the fifth year, then there are ignorance and innocence; the second is from that age to the twentieth year, which is the state of instruction and knowledge; the third is from that age to the sixtieth year, which is the state of intelligence; and the fourth is the state of innocence in,10225. Times, as times of a man's age, denotes states; concerning which, 3254.

Age (saeculum). An age, when mentioned with respect to the Church, denotes duration to the end; when spoken of heaven and the Lord, what is eternal; it is predicated in general of every Church, in particular of the celestial Church; it also denotes the world and the life there, likewise the life after it: shown, 10248. See also GENERATION.

[Aged, See OLD.

Agency. See TO ACT.

Agreement. See CONSENT.]

Aholiab (Aholiabus). Aholiab, who did the works, denotes those who are in the good and truth of faith,10329:4; with whom the Church was to be established, 10335.

Ai (Aja). What Bethel and Ai signifies, 1453, 1557.

Aid. See HELP.

[Alien. See STRANGERS.

Alive. See under LIFE.


Almonds (amygdaloe). Almonds denotes the goods of life corresponding to the truths of interior natural good, 5622. Almond-shaped bowls denotes scientifics from good, 9557.

Alone (solus). What to be alone or to dwell alone signifies, 139, 471.

Altar (altare). [See also under To ANOINT.] In ancient times heaps were made, and the altars were therefrom, 4192. The altar and the tent were polluted by the sins of the people: shown and illustrated, 10208:3.

The altar and the temple were the principal representatives of the Lord, 921, 2777, 2811; and altars primarily signified the Lord's Divine Human, as does the Holy Supper, 2811. Altar denotes what is holy of worship, 4541; also what is built in witness and memory: shown, 8623; a representative of the Lord, and the worship of Him, as to good: shown, 9714; the principal representative of the Lord, and the worship of Him: references, 10642; heaven and the Church as to the reception of good from the Lord: illustrated and shown, 10123, 10151; the representative of the Lord as to the Divine Good; statues denotes the same as to the Divine Truth, 9388, 9389.

The altar of Jehovah denotes the principal thing of the worship of the Lord, 8935, 8940, 9014; they who acted from deceit or hypocrisy were to be taken from the altar and die: shown, 9014:4. All things of the altar represented and signified; concerning which see 4489:2 To build an altar denotes, in the highest sense, sanctification, 4558. An altar from the ground denotes the principal representative of the worship of the Lord from good; but an altar from stone denotes the same from truth, 8935, 8940. Ashes of the altar denotes those things which are to be removed after uses; concerning which, 9723. The grate, the network, which was around the altar, denotes the sensual: illustrated, 9726. The vessels of the altar denotes scientific truths serving good, 9724, 9725, 10344. The foundation of the altar denotes the sensual, 10028. The altar of incense, see INCENSE. The altar of the nations denotes the representative of idolatrous worship, 10642:2. To enter into the tent of meeting denotes to represent all things of worship from spiritual good; to come near to the altar denotes to represent all things of worship from celestial good, 10242, 10245. To enter into the tent of meeting denotes to represent the Lord as to worship from Divine Truth, 9963; and to come near to the altar denotes to represent the Lord as to Divine Good, also as to worship, 9964.

[Alternations. See CHANGES.

Always (semper). See under To-DAY.

Amalek. See AMALEKITEl

Amalekite (Amalekita). Amalekites denotes the falsities by which truths are assaulted,1679. Amalek denotes falsity from interior evil: shown, 8593; concerning those who are represented by the Amalekites further; their character, 8622:2, 8625:2.

Amazement, To be Amazed (stupor, stupescere). To be astonished (obstupescere) denotes a sudden change of state, 5705.

Ambush (insidiae). See DECEIT.

Amethyst (amethystus). Ligure, agate, and amethyst denotes the spiritual love of good, or the internal good of the Spiritual Kingdom, 9870.

Ammon (Ammon). The sons of Ammon denotes those with whom truths are falsified; Moab, those with whom goods are adulterated, who nevertheless have been in natural good, 2468:15.

Amorite (Emmoraeus). Amorite denotes evil in general; and the inhabitants of the land of Canaan were called Amorites, 6306:4; evil and falsity; whence, 1857. Amorite [and Perizzite] denotes evil and falsity therefrom, 6859.

Anakim (Anakim, Enakim). See NEPHILIM [and PERSUASION].

Ancients. See under ANGEL.]

And (et). 'And' was used in the place of punctuation, as was also 'it came to pass,' 5578.

Angel (angelus). See also HEAVEN, [ARMY, and BEAUTY]. All spirits and angel’s have been men,1880; they appear as men; whence, 3633. Angels are forms of love and charity, 3804:2, 9879; they are images of love and charity under the human form, 4735:2; they are of ineffable beauty, and are as loves and charities in form, 4985; they are of ineffable beauty, because they are in the form of heaven, 5199. Those who are in hell appear to themselves, in their own light, as men, but looked into by angel’s, as devils and monsters; whence this is,4533. The deceitful, looked into by angel’s, appear as serpents and vipers,4533.

Concerning the spirits and angel’s with man,5846-5866, and 5976-5993. See MAN (homo). With every man there are evil spirits and angel’s,2887, 2888. According to the doctrine of the churches, in some measure, there are spirits from hell and angel’s from heaven with man,5979:2. Angels and spirits are always present with man, 968. There are two angel’s with man, because there are two kinds of them: celestial and spiritual,5978. That man may live, angel’s from heaven and spirits from hell must be adjoined to him,5993. Angels are successively with infants and children, 2303. A man is governed by means of spirits and angel’s, from the Lord,50, 697. All changes of state with motion, as to voluntary things as well as to intellectual things, are regulated by the Lord through spirits and angel’s,2796. Angels protect a man in various ways, they inspire goods, and this from love which is from the Lord, 5992; they rule over evil spirits, 1755. Angels with men do not attend, except to ends, 1645e; they bend evils toward goods, 5980. Spirits and angel’s perceive the interior things of man's thought,1931. Angels from certain societies see from causes what is with man, 4073e. Angels flow into the truths of faith with man: illustrated, 5893. See REGENERATION. Angels dwell in everyone's affection, 3464; they dwell with those who are in the good of faith, 2268; they feel exquisitely what enters with a man, 228. In spirits and angel’s every sense, except taste, is more exquisite than in man,1880, 1881.

Angels regard man as a brother, but evil spirits regard him as a vile slave, 2890. With what charity and joy those who are let in are received; they are received by angel’s into the heavens, and how they come into agreeable societies,2131. Celestial angel’s occupy the province of the heart, and two sit at the head, when a man is resuscitated from the dead,168-181; spiritual angel’s succeed them,132-189. Angels do not forsake the resuscitated man, but he desires to depart from them, 182. Because angel’s love everyone, they do not relinquish a soul, but it desires to depart from them, and dissociates itself,314-316; they are very indignant when compelled to retire, 4077.

A man, an angel, or a spirit is according to his love: illustrated, 10177. A man is in the society of such spirits or angel’s as he himself is; concerning which,4067:3, 4073:2, 4077:2. Angels who are in similar good know each other as if they had been acquainted from infancy, and it is from this that truths with man acknowledge and conjoin themselves, 9079:2.

There are three heavens; those of spirits, of angelic spirits, and of angel’s; in each of which there are both celestial and spiritual angel’s,459. The angel’s of the three heavens are subordinate to each other,1752; but the subordination is not that of command, 1802. Concerning the heavenly freedom in which angel’s are, see FREEDOM. The whole of an angel’s power is from the Lord,1752. There are angel’s who are nearer to the Lord and those who are remoter, or, who are interior and exterior,1802:2. The Lord appears to celestial angel’s as the Sun, to spiritual angel’s as the Moon,1529-1531.

Angels are continually being purified, and can never come to perfection, 4803. Evil is not separated from a man or an angel, but he is withheld from evil, and so held in good, 1581. Those who are in evil associate themselves with societies, those who are in good are adjoined by the Lord to them, 4073:2. The changes of angel’s' states appear in their faces according to the societies into which they come,4797; which things were seen, 4797. Angels appear in the heavens clad in garments 165; those who are likenesses of the Lord appear in radiance and white, after the likeness of the Lord in the transfiguration, 5530:2. Angels are veiled by a thin and suitable cloud lest they should be hurt by the Divine influx, 6849. See also FIRE.

What angel’s introduce beautiful dreams,1977. The influx of angel’s is like streams of flaming light,6209; it is into conscience, 6207, 6213. Conscience is from the combat of spirits and angel’s,227. In temptations there are indignations and many affections, 1917. Angels were with the Lord when He fought, 1705, 1752; He had societies of spirits and angel’s with Him, yet He took nothing from them, but through them from the Divine,4075. He admitted into Himself temptations from angel’s,4295:3. Angels have no name, but are named from their quality as to good, 1705; and are distinguished by goods and truths, 1754. The base and filthy things of infernal spirits are turned into milder things with angel’s,5981. See also SUBJECTS. Angels moderate penalties in the other life, but cannot take them away, 967. The angelic life consists in use and the goods of charity, 454.

They who are in love to the Lord and charity have angelic in them, but obscurely; they come into it after death,2494. The of angel’s continually increases in the other life, yet they cannot advance far beyond the first degree,6648. Nothing of an angel's intelligence and is from himself, but from the Lord,4295:2. Angels are in above that of man,3404, 3405. There are innumerable things which are apprehended by angel’s, but not by men,2786, 2795, 2796, 2802; they apprehend innumerable things of which man does not apprehend even the most general: exemplified, 3314; they comprehend and see innumerable things of which man knows not even that they are, still less what they are, 9176e. Angelic is ineffable: illustrated, and from experience,9094. Angels are in and intelligence, and in the principles of things, and they see all things which are beneath, because they are in celestial and spiritual love,2572:3. Thoughts and affections extend themselves far into angelic societies, 6598-6613. See To THINK. Angelic ideas are alive, because they refer natural things to spiritual, and to such as relate to man, 7847. The state of angel’s as to those things which relate to the memory,2493. Celestial angel’s form for themselves lights of ideas, from affection,2802; they never wish to name faith, but they perceive love, with a difference known to them, 202; with the spiritual angel’s it is otherwise,203.

The speech of spirits and angel’s,1634-1650. See To SPEAK and LANGUAGE. The difference of the speech of spirits, angelic spirits, and angel’s,1642. The speech of angelic spirits described, 1643. The speech of angel’s in the world of spirits appears like the light of a flame,1646. The case of thoughts and speech of angel’s is as internal things in the body are with respect to external,3347; for ideas they have ends and uses, 1645. The speech of celestial angel’s is distinct from that of spiritual angel’s, and is also more copious,1647; because they form for themselves lights of ideas from the affections in the Word, 2157; but the spiritual form significations of things, 2157, 2275. Because celestial angel’s derive all things from love, their speech is more incomprehensible than that of spiritual angel’s,880e. What angel’s speak of among themselves,5249e. When the wise ancients thought about God, they thought of the Divine Human, as angel’s do,6876:2. The state of angel’s when they speak, not from themselves, but from the Lord,1745:2. How it is with angel’s, when the Lord speaks by means of them, that they know not but that they are the Lord,1925. The man of the Most Ancient Church spake with angel’s, but not those afterwards, they spake, but in another manner,784. I have spoken with spirits and angel’s; and man was so created that he might speak with them,5, 67-69, 1880. See TO SPEAK. Angels see nothing that is in the solar world; they have seen through my eyes, 1880; when this first happened, it was regarded as a miracle, 1880:2. Heaven and earth were so united from their first creation, 1880:2. It is dangerous for man to have heaven opened to him, 784e.

The internal sense is for angel’s, and to them it is precious, though of slight account with man,2540:2, 2541, 2545, 2551, 2574:3. Many things in the internal sense come within the angelic apprehension, because angel’s are in the light of heaven, which do not come within man's apprehension, because he is in the light of the world,2618, 2619, 2629e. Because the Word in the highest sense treats of the Lord's glorification, and in the representative sense of man's regeneration, therefore, they who are in the Lord enter into angelic and happiness,5688e.

The Lord as to the Divine Human is called the angel of Jehovah; the reason is that the Human Divine formerly appeared as an angel when Jehovah or the Divine Itself passed through heaven, 6831. The Lord is an angel, and is called an angel as to the Divine Human: briefly shown, 9303. The man who receives the Divine is also called an angel: shown, 10528. Many are called an angel, and named an angel, as Michael, which denotes the function, 8192:3. See GOD. An angel, in the supreme sense, denotes the Lord as to the Divine Human, and also the Divine of the Lord with angel’s and men: briefly shown,10528. The Lord is understood by angel’s in the Word, but what with respect to the Lord is signified appears from the series,1925e. By angel’s are signified the Lord, and why,3039; and an angel denotes the Divine Providence, 3039. An angel signifies something of the Lord, 2821; and the reason is that angel’s do not speak from themselves, and do not attribute good and truth to themselves,4085. Angels denotes Divine Truth: illustrated, 8192:2. Two angel’s signify the Divine Human and the Holy which proceeds from the Lord,2319. The redeeming angel is the Lord's Divine Human, and the Lord is called an angel: shown, 6280. The Sent, as the Lord called Himself, is the angel of Jehovah: shown 6831. The angel’s of God met him, denotes enlightenment,4235.

Anger (ira). Anger is described as being a flame in the understanding breaking forth from the fire, when love is assailed: illustrated, 9144. Anger and evil are from man, and not from the Lord, although they are attributed to Him: references, 9306:4. When anger is attributed to God, it is with man: shown, 5798; also to the Lord, when yet it is with man, 8483; and to Jehovah; the reasons: shown, 6997:3. The love and mercy of the Lord appear to the evil as anger, when they are punished; thence it is called anger: shown, 8875. Zeal has good in it; anger, evil, 4164. Anger is predicated of evil, wrath of falsity, 6358, 6359.

Anger signifies departure from charity, 357e. Anger denotes to be indignant, in which there is nothing of anger, 3909; aversion; the reason, 5034; aversion and assault: shown, 5798: sadness of spirit or understanding, 5887, 5888; evil, because it is from evil, and not from good, thus not from the Lord, although attributed to Him: illustrated, 10618:2. To burn with anger, when spoken of the Lord, denotes aversion on the part of man: illustrated, 10431. Long-suffering as to angers, denotes to endure evils long, and the Divine clemency, 10618. The anger of Jehovah denotes clemency and mercy, 6997; punishment and damnation: shown, 6997:6. The wrath of Jehovah denotes the fury of lusts and the endeavour to offer violence, on the part of the evil, 8284. Wrath and anger denotes resistances and also punishments; wrath is predicated of truth and falsity; anger of good and evil, 3614. Fire denotes anger: shown, 9143.

Animal (animal). See BEAST [and BRUTES.

Animal, Wild. See WILD BEAST.]

Anoint, To, Anointing, Ointment (ungere, unctio, unguentum). See here what is said concerning OIL. They anointed stones, arms of war, the altar, and similar things, priests, prophets, kings, and themselves: shown and explained, 9954. They anointed themselves with common oil, and not with the oil of holiness: shown, 9954:20. To anoint denotes to induce representation, 10268; inauguration for the purpose of representing the Lord as to the Divine Good, thus for the purpose of representing the good of love from Him: shown, 9954, 10285. To anoint a pillar, 3728, 4090. See PILLAR. The Anointed, king, and Divine Truth are the same, 3009. See CHRIST. The Anointed of Jehovah denotes the Lord as to the Divine Human: shown, 9954:11.

Anointing denotes inauguration for the purpose of representing, 9474. See also OIL. Anointing upon the head represented upon the whole Human of the Lord: shown, 10011. By anointing was represented the Divine Good, and by filling the hand, the Divine Truth and the power therefrom, 10019.

Ointment of ointment, and a dealer in ointment, 10264, 10265. See SPICE.

Answer, To (respondere). To answer, when assented to, denotes what is reciprocal, 2919, 4096; whence: shown, 8340; also reception, 2941, 2957; cognition, 5255; perception, 5472. To answer and say denotes thought, 6943. To answer in a cause denotes to declare an opinion, and judge, 9252. A Divine answer denotes the Divine Truth from which it is, 8824.

Antediluvians (antediluniani). See FLOOD.

Antipodes (antipodes). Navigation round the world cannot be comprehended by many, nor how the antipodes stand on their feet, 1378.

Anxiety (anxietas). See SAD.

Apollyon (Apollyon). Apollyon denotes the reasoning from falsities which appears as if from truths, and from philosophical considerations wrongly applied, 7643.

Apostles (apostoli). The apostles believed that they were to be great in heaven, 3417:2. What is signified by the apostles sitting upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel, 2129:2; they cannot judge any single thing appertaining to man, 2129:2, 2553:2. The twelve apostles signified all things of faith, both its good and its truth, 3488 See TWELVE. Concerning the tribes and the apostles, it is said they are to judge, but this denotes the truths which are signified by them, 6397:2.

The disciples at first held no other opinion concerning the Lord than that which the Jews held concerning the Messiah, and, further, concerning the heavenly kingdom than that there would be sub-ordinations as in an earthly kingdom, 3857:6. The disciples of the Lord represented all who are of the Church, 3354. The twelve disciples denotes all things of love and faith, as the twelve tribes, 3858:16. See also TRIBES.

[Apparel. See GARMENT.]

Appear, To (apparere). Jehovah appearing to him denotes from the Divine, 3367, 3438.

Appearance (apparentia). See also FALLACY, [TRUTH, and WORD.] In the Word of the Lord much is spoken according to appearances, 589, 735, 926, 1838, 1874. Appearances of truth; what they are; adapted as if they were truths, 1832:2; examples, 3207:3. There are no pure truths with man, neither with angel’s, but in the Lord alone,3207:3. The truths of man are appearances, 2196:2, 2203, 2209, 2242:2. Appearances of truth with angel’s, and with men who are in good, are received by the Lord as truths,3207. The doctrine of faith is invested with such appearances as are from human conditions, 2719, 2723. Those appearances are listened to as truths which belong to doctrinals, 3364, 3365. See To APPEAR. Rational things are appearances of truth, 3368:2. Truths Divine flow in by means of appearances with angel’s and men, otherwise they could not at all be apprehended,3362; they are in appearances with angel’s and men, because Divine things cannot otherwise be apprehended,3364e, 3356e. Appearances of truth are and exist by means of influx from the Divine of the Lord into rational things, and therefrom into natural things, where they are presented as an image of many things in a mirror, so that those which are in heaven appertaining to the angel’s are presented in the world of spirits, from which are representations,3368:3. Representations in the other life are appearances, but living, thus real, which are from the light of heaven, which is and life from the Lord; but those which are in the light of the world are relatively not real, except so far as they are conjoined with those which are of the light of heaven,3485. Appearances of truth are of a threefold degree, 3357-3360, 3362. Appearances are the truths which belong to man; exemplified from space or place, 3387e. On the appearances of a higher degree, which appertain to the angel’s; from the example of eternity, which to them is a state,3404:2. Appearances of truth of a higher degree far exceed in perfection and abundance those which are in men, 3405; those of a lower degree exemplified from the saying that some were to be great in heaven, 3417. The Lord was also in appearances, but these He put off, 3405.

[Apperception. See PERCEPTION.]

Appetite (appetitus). Appetite corresponds to the desire to know (sciendi) and be wise, 4792.

Approach, To (appropinquare). See NEAR, [and To COME NEAR.] To approach denotes influx, 8159; conjunction, 9997, 10001; when used of the beast for the sacrifice, denotes application for the purpose of purification, 10021. To approach before Jehovah denotes a state of reception and application to that state; on which, 8439. To approach unto God denotes to think from the faith of charity about the Divine, 6843. To approach and be near denotes conjunction and presence: illustrated and shown, 9378.

[Appropriation. See under INFLUX.]

Arabia (Arabia). See KEDAR.

Aram (Aram). See SYRIA.

[Aram Naharaim. See SYRIA.]

Ararat (Ararath). Mount Ararat denotes the light (lumen) of one regenerated, 854, 855.

[Arcanum. See WORD.

Archer. See under BOW.]

Architecture (architectura). How stupendous it is in the other life, 1627, 1628, 1629.

Arise, To (surgere). To arise signifies some elevation, 2401, 2785, 2912, 2927, 4103; elevation, and man is said to be elevated by means of spiritual and celestial things, 3171, 4103. To arise denotes elevation into a state of light, 4881, 6010; elucidation, 6010. To arise in the morning denotes to be elevated to heaven, and, in the opposite sense, to be depressed to hell, 10413. See MORNING. To arise in the morning, when spoken of the evil, denotes elevation to attention, 7435. To arise early in the morning denotes a state of enlightenment, 3458, 3723. The interiors are elevated: see To BE ELEVATED and To ASCEND.

Aristotle (Aristoteles). On the scholastics and metaphysicians; several matters about Aristotle, 4658. Aristotle's thought about the Supreme Deity, the Lord, and the spirit of man, 4658:4. Concerning the woman seen by Aristotle, 4658:5.

Ark (arca). Noah's Ark. What is signified by the ark, 639.

Joseph's Ark. An ark, being that in which something is concealed, thus denotes concealment; hence the Ark of the Testimony because the law was therein, 6596.

Moses' Ark. Moses, when an infant, was placed in a little ark, because he represented the Divine Law and the Lord as to the Divine Law, 6723:3. A coffer of bulrush denotes what is mean, but still derived from truth, 6723, 6732.

The Ark of the Testimony. [See also Joseph's Ark.] The Divine Law was in the ark, and the ark represented the Lord as to the Divine Law, 6723:3. The ark denotes the inmost heaven, where the Lord is: shown, 9485. The tent and the ark represented heaven, where the Lord is, 9457, 9481:2.

[Arkites (Arki). What the Arkites signifies, 1205.

Arm (brachium). See HAND and SHOULDER. The body exercises its forces and powers by means of the arms and hands, 4933. A naked arm, in the other life, is of such great power, 878e. The naked arm was seen bent forward, 4934, 4935. Those in the Grand Man who correspond to the hands, arms, and shoulders, are they who are in power by means of the faith of truth from good, 4932.

Hands, arms, and shoulders are predicated respecting truth, by which are signified powers, in the internal sense, 3091. Arms, power, 574; strength: references, 10019:6. Arms signify strength, and hands, power, 4934. Hands signify power, and arm, still greater power, 1085. The arm of Jehovah denotes the Lord as to the Divine Human, 8099:3. To make flesh his arm denotes to trust in himself and to what is his own, and not to the Divine, 10283:7. A stretched-out arm, when spoken of the Lord, denotes Divine Power, 7205. An arm not stretched out, but bent, signifies power in the general sense, 7205. When it is said, respecting Jehovah, that He stretched out the hand or arm, it denotes unlimited or infinite power in action, 7673. The right hand of God, and the arm of His strength, signifies the Lord as to the Divine Truth, 8281:5.

Armlet. See BRACELETS.

Arms. See WEAPONS.]

Army (exercitus). The sons of Israel were divided into armies that they might represent the Lord's kingdom as to goods and truths, 7236. Jehovah Zebaoth, or of Hosts, was so called from Divine truths, and because He fights for man, 3448:6. Angels are called the hosts of Jehovah, also the sun, moon, and stars; and the Lord is, therefore, Jehovah of Hosts: shown, 7988:5.

By armies are signified truths, and, in the opposite sense, falsities, because by these there is combat: shown, 3448:8. Armies denotes the genera and species of good in truths, 7236. As to armies denotes that they are distinct as to the quality of good from truth, 8019. The armies of Jehovah denotes goods and truths: shown, 7988. The armies of Pharaoh denotes falsities from evils, thus those who are in faith separated, and in a life of evil, 8138. The horses of Pharaoh and the Egyptians denotes scientifics from a perverse understanding; horsemen, reasonings therefrom; chariots, the doctrinals of falsity; armies, the falsities themselves, 8146:3, 8148. War in general and weapons of war signify spiritual combats; such armies are the truths and goods by which they are fought. See WAR, BOW, SWORD, SHIELD, and ENEMY.

[Aromatics. See SPICE.

Around. See ROUND ABOUT.]

Arphaxad (Arphachschad). What Arphaxad signifies, 1230, 1339, 1341.

Arrogance (fastus). See LOVE OF SELF.

Arrow (sagitta). See BOW.

[Arrow-Snake. See under SERPENT.

Arsenal (armamnentarium). Arsenals signify such things as are of truths fighting against falsity, and, in the opposite sense, of falsity fighting against truths, 6661:2. See also STOREHOUSES.]

Art (ars). The arts of magicians unknown in the world, 831.

Artificer (artilex). Artificer denotes one who is wise, intelligent, knowing, 424.

Ascend, To (ascendere). [See also To ARISE.] What to ascend signifies, 1543. To ascend refers to what is external, and denotes from the exterior to the interior, 3084. To ascend is predicated respecting going towards interiors: shown, 4539, 4969; it denotes elevation towards interiors, 5817, 6007; also to recede and depart; concerning which signification, 5964; to conjoin, 8760; conjunction, 9373. God ascended from above him in that place denotes the Divine in that state, 4578. To ascend denotes going towards interiors; to descend denotes towards exteriors, 5406.

Asher (Ascher). Asher was so called from blessedness; what Asher signifies, 3938, 3939. See BLESSEDNESS. Asher denotes the blessing of the affections, 6408.

Ashes (cinis). [See also under ALTAR.] Ashes denotes falsity from the evil of lusts, 7520. Ashes of the altar denotes those things which are to be removed after use, lest they should oppose other uses: shown, 9723. Cinders of the furnace denotes falsities of lusts, 7519, 7520.

Ashkenaz (Askenas). What Ashkenaz S., 1154.

Ask, To, Asking (interrogare, interrogatio). Why men are asked by the Lord, when yet He knows all things, 2693; shown, 6132. To ask denotes to examine, 3385; and to perceive the thought of another; the reason, 5597, 5800. Questions in the sense of the letter, in the supreme sense, denotes acknowledgment, 4358; also cognition from perception, 6250. To ask Jehovah, when it relates to the Lord, denotes a state of communication, 3291; to be instructed in the truths and goods of the Church and worship, 10548.

Ass, She-Ass (asinus, asina). [See also OX.] A judge rode on a she-ass, the sons of a judge on young asses, a king on a she-mule, his sons on mules, 2871. How the Lord's riding on a she-ass is a sign of the highest judgment and kingdom is explained, 9212:5. What ass and she-ass signifies, 1486. Ass denotes a scientific, 5492; the natural, 8078. Asses denotes scientifics, 5958; also she-asses, 5959. Asses, when they served for riding, denotes rational truth, because this was a sign of the judicial office and kingship; but asses which served for carrying burdens denotes scientifics, 5741:2. To ride upon an ass denotes to serve the intelligence, 7024. A bony ass denotes the lowest service, 6389. The firstborn of an ass denotes the mind merely natural, 8078. The son of a she-ass denotes rational truth, 2781:5. What is signified by the Lord riding on a she-ass and a foal, 2781:8. Ass denotes natural truth, and mule denotes rational truth: shown, 2781. What ploughing with an ox and an ass together signifies, 10669:5.

Ass, Wild (onager). Wild ass denotes rational truth; described, 1949-1951.

Assembly (coetus). See CONGREGATION [and To MEET (convenire).]

Asshur (Aschur). Asshur signifies the rational mind, 119; reason and ratiocination, 1186.

Assyria (Assyria). See ASSHUR.

[Astonished, To be. See under AMAZEMENT.]

Asylum (asylum). They who injure anyone as to spiritual life by means of falsities of religion which they believed to be truths, were represented by those who fled to an asylum: shown, 9011.

Atmosphere (atmosphaera). Into all forms that subsist intrinsic and extrinsic forces act; inward forces are alive, outward forces are not alive, but they correspond to each other, 3628:2. They who are from the Most Ancient Church have delightful auras, 1116. The atmospheres in the other life, 1621. There are most beautiful atmospheres around infants, 2297.

Attraction (attractio). The life which is from the Lord appears attractive: shown, 8604:3. All love appears attractive, 8604:3.

Aura (aura). See ATMOSPHERE.

Authority (auctoritas). The sphere of authority belonging to a certain one born into dignity, 1507. The sphere of authority is tempered by goodness, and honour is bestowed on those who are born into authority, 1508.

Avarice (avaritia). Concerning the Jews and the robbers in the desert, 940. Concerning the sordidly avaricious and their hells; they are infested by mice, 938, 954; they are where there are excoriated bogs, 939. Into what phantasies avarice is turned, in the other life, 954. They who are in filthy avarice are in the love of self more than others, although it does not so appear outwardly, and thence they are against all good whatsoever, 4751:2. The avaricious who are in the higher part of the stomach infuse anxieties, 6202.

Avert, To (avertere). See To TURN.

Awake, To (expergisci). To awake denotes to be enlightened, 3715, 5208. 5218.

Axe (securis). What is signified by an axe to cut wood in a forest, 9011:3. See WOOD.

[Azure. See BLUE.]

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #1917

Study this Passage

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1917. 'May Jehovah judge between me and you!' means the Lord's righteous anger. This is clear from what has just been stated, and so is clear without explanation. Nobody can gain a fuller grasp of these matters except people who have experienced conflicts brought about by temptations. Temptations bring states of vastation and desolation, states of despair, and consequently of grief and anger, in addition to other inward painful emotions. These things occur varyingly and alternatingly according to the states of evil and falsity which evil genii and spirits arouse and against which conflict takes place. Devilish spirits like nothing better than to discover some falsity; indeed it is quite common for them to introduce a falsity from themselves into a person, and then at the same time to charge him with possessing it. This was why the Lord's anger was so great, for within His first rational there was no falsity, but there was the appearance of truth which in itself was not true, as dealt with already in 1661, 1911 (end).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #4402

Study this Passage

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4402. 'And he called it El Elohe Israel' means that it, that is to say, interior worship, originated in the Divine Spiritual. This is clear from the meaning of 'El Elohe', dealt with below, and from the meaning of 'Israel' as the spiritual, dealt with in 4286, 4292. The things stated so far in this chapter from verse 17 onwards appear there because the subject in the highest sense of the chapter is how the Lord made His Natural Divine. But since things in the highest sense which are concerned with the Lord are beyond the range of ideas present in a person's thought because such things are Divine, let them be illustrated by means of the kind of things that do fall more immediately within the range of a person's ideas. That is to say, let those things that are Divine be illustrated by means of the way in which the Lord regenerates man's natural. Indeed the regeneration of man, that is, of his natural, is also the subject here in the internal sense; for the regeneration of man is a model of the glorification of the Lord, 3138, 3212, 3296, 3490. In fact the Lord glorified Himself, that is, made Himself Divine, according to Divine order, according to which same order He also regenerates man, that is, makes him celestial and spiritual. Here the way in which He makes him spiritual is dealt with, for 'Israel' means that spiritual man.

[2] The spiritual man is not the interior rational man but the interior natural. The interior rational man is that which is called celestial. How the spiritual man and the celestial differ from each other has often been stated already. A person becomes spiritual through the joining of the truths residing with him to good, that is, through the joining of matters of faith to those of charity, a joining together which takes place within his natural. There exterior truths first are joined to good, and after that interior truths. The joining of exterior truths within the natural has been dealt with in verses 1-16 of this chapter, the joining of interior truths to good in verses 17-end. Interior truths are not joined to good except by means of an enlightenment entering through the internal man into the external. That enlightenment makes Divine truths visible in a purely general way, as when, to use a comparison, countless objects are seen by the eye as an obscure single whole devoid of any distinguishable features. This enlightenment making truths visible in a purely general way was meant by Esau's words to Jacob, 'Let me now place with you some of the people who are with me', and by Jacob's reply, 'Why so? Let me find favour in your eyes', dealt with in 4385, 4386.

[3] On the point that the spiritual man, compared with the celestial, dwells in obscurity, see 2708, 2715, 2716, 2718, 2831, 2849, 2935, 2937, 3241, 3246, 3833. It is this spiritual man that is represented by 'Israel', 4286. The expression spiritual man is used because the light of heaven, which holds intelligence and wisdom within it, flows into those things with man which belong to the light of the world and causes those which belong to the light of heaven to be represented in those belonging to the light of the world, and in this way causes them to correspond. For regarded in itself the spiritual is the Divine Light itself which comes from the Lord, and therefore consists in intelligence which essentially is truth and as a consequence is wisdom. With the spiritual man however that light falls on things which are matters of faith with him and which he believes to be true, whereas with the celestial man it falls on the good of love. But although these considerations are clear to those who dwell in the light of heaven they are nevertheless obscure to those who dwell in the light of the world, and so to the majority at the present day. They are perhaps so obscure as to be barely intelligible. All the same, since they constitute the subject in the internal sense and are by nature as described, the exposition of them must not be left out. The time will come when people will be enlightened

[4] The reason why the altar was called El Elohe Israel and why interior worship originating in the Divine Spiritual was meant by it is that in the highest sense El Elohe is identical with the Divine Spiritual; as also is Israel. For 'Israel' means the Lord's Divine Spiritual, and in the representative sense the Lord's spiritual Church, or what amounts to the same, a person like that, see 4286, 4292. In the original language El Elohe means 'God God', and also, to be strictly literal, 'God of gods'. 1 In the Word Jehovah, or the Lord, is referred to in very many places by the singular name 'El', or else 'Eloah', as well as by the plural name 'Elohim'. Both names are sometimes used within the same verse or in the same section. A person who is not acquainted with the internal sense of the Word cannot know the reason why. Anyone may conclude that 'El' implies one thing, 'Eloah' another, and 'Elohim' another, from the consideration that the Word is Divine, that is, has its origin in the Divine, and that it is for that reason inspired as to every word, indeed as to the smallest part of every letter.

[5] What the name 'El' implies when it is used, or the name 'Elohim', may be seen from what has been shown in various places above, namely that El or Elohim - that is, God - is used when truth is the subject, see 709, 2586, 2769, 2807, 2822, 3921 (end), 4287. This is why in the highest sense El and Elohim mean the Divine Spiritual, this being the same as Divine Truth. The two names differ however in that 'El' means truth in will and action, which is the same as the good of truth, 4337, 4353, 4390. The plural form Elohim exists for the reason that by Divine truth is meant all the truths which come from the Lord. This is also the reason why in the Word angels are sometimes called elohim or gods, 4295, as will be further evident from places in the Word that are quoted below. Now because El and Elohim in the highest sense mean the Lord as regards truth, they also mean Him as regards power; for truth is the entity to which power is attributed. Indeed when exercising power good acts by means of truth, 3091, 4015. Therefore when in the Word reference is made to the power received from truth, the Lord is called El and Elohim, that is, God. Hence also it is that El in the original language means one who is powerful.

[6] The fact that the names El and Elohim, or God, are used in the Word where the Divine Spiritual is the subject, or what amounts to the same, Divine Truth, and Divine Power received from this, may be seen in addition from the following places,

God spoke to Israel in visions in the night. I am the God of gods (El Elohe) of your father, do not be afraid of going down into Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. Genesis 46:2-3.

Since these words are addressed to Israel, whom He is going 'to make into a great nation', and so the subject is truth and the power this possesses, El Elohe is used, which in the proximate sense means the God of gods. The fact that in the proximate sense Elohim means gods because it has reference to truths and to the power received from them, is also evident in the same author,

There Jacob built an altar, and called the place El Beth El, for there the Elohim were revealed to him, when he was fleeing from before his brother. Genesis 35:7.

And elsewhere in the same author,

Jehovah your God, He is God of gods, and Lord of lords, the God (El) who is great, powerful, and fearful. Deuteronomy 10:17.

Here 'God of gods' is expressed by Elohe Elohim, and after that 'God' by El, to whom greatness and power are attributed

[7] In David,

A great God (El) is Jehovah, and a great King above all gods (elohim), in whose hand are the deep places 2 of the earth; and the strength 3 of the mountains are His. Psalms 95:3-4.

The name 'God' or El is used here because reference is made to Divine Truth and the Power received from this, and also 'gods' because reference is made to subordinate truths. For in the internal sense 'a king' means truth, 1672, 2015, 2069, 3009, 3670. From this it is clear what 'a great King above all gods' implies. 'The deep places of the earth' too means the truths of the Church, which are called 'the strength of the mountains' from power rooted in good. In the same author,

Who in heaven will compare himself to Jehovah? Who will be likened to Jehovah among the sons of gods (elim)? God (El) mighty in the secret place of the holy ones, O Jehovah God Zebaoth, who is strong as You are, O Jah? Psalms 89:6-8.

Here 'sons of gods (or of elim)' stands for Divine truths, to which, it is evident, power is attributed, since it is said 'God (El) mighty, Jehovah God of hosts, who is strong as You are?'

[8] Similarly elsewhere in the same author,

Give to Jehovah, O sons of gods, give to Jehovah glory and strength. Psalms 29:1.

In Moses,

They fell on their faces, and said, O God of gods (El elohe) of the spirits of all flesh. Numbers 16:22.

In David,

I said, You are gods (elohim), and sons of the Most High, all of you. Psalms 82:6; John 10:34.

Here they are called 'gods' from truths, for 'sons' means truths, 489, 491, 533, 1147, 2628, 3373, 3704. In the same author,

Confess the God of gods (Elohe elohim), confess the Lord of lords. Psalms 136:2-3.

In Daniel,

The king will act according to his own pleasure, and will uplift himself, and exalt himself above every god (el), and will speak astonishing things above the God of gods (El elohim). Daniel 11:36.

These quotations show that in the proximate sense El elohe means God of gods, and that in the internal sense 'gods' is used in reference to truths which come from the Lord.

[9] The fact that the singular name El or God is used where the power which comes from Divine Truth is the subject, or what amounts to the same, from the Lord's Divine Spiritual, becomes clear from the following places: In Moses,

Let my hand be for God (El) to do you evil! Genesis 31:29.

And elsewhere,

Nor is there a hand for God (El). Deuteronomy 28:32.

And in Micah,

Let there be a hand for God (El). Micah 2:1.

'Let there be a hand for God' means, let there be power. For 'hand' means power, see 878, 3387, and 'hand' is used in reference to truth, 3091. In David,

I will set His hand in the sea, and His right hand in the rivers. He will cry to Me, You are My Father, My God (El), the Rock of My Salvation. Psalms 89:25-26.

This refers to power from truths. In the same author,

The wicked says in his heart, God (El) has forgotten; He has hidden His face; He never sees. Arise, O Jehovah God (El); lift up Your hand. For what reason does the wicked despise God (Elohim)? Psalms 10:11-13.

Here the meaning is similar.

[10] In the same author,

Jehovah is my rock (petra) and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God (El), my rock (rupes). Psalms 18:2.

This refers to power. In Isaiah, A residue will return, the residue of Jacob, to the God (El) of power. Isaiah 10:21.

In the same prophet,

To us a Boy is born, to us a Son is given, the government upon His shoulder; He will call His name, Wonderful, Counsellor, God (El), the Powerful One, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6.

In the same prophet,

Behold the God (El) of my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid, for He is my strength. Isaiah 12:2.

In the same prophet,

I am God (El) even from today; I am He, and nobody delivers from My hand; I work, and who will reverse it? Isaiah 43:12-13.

This refers to power. In Jeremiah, Great and powerful God (El), whose name is Jehovah of hosts. Jeremiah 32:18.

In the second Book of Samuel,

With my God (El) I will leap over the wall. God (El) is perfect in His way; the word of Jehovah is pure. Who is God (El) besides Jehovah? Who is a rock besides our God (Elohim)? God (El) is the strength of my refuge. 2 Samuel 22:30-33.

In Moses,

God (El) is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not act? Or has He spoken, and will He not carry it out? He brought them out of Egypt; He has so to speak the strength of a unicorn. At that time it will be said to Jacob and to Israel, What has God (El) been doing? Numbers 23:19, 22-23.

This in the internal sense refers to power and to truth.

[11] And in the same author,

God (El) who brought him out of Egypt has as it were the strength of a unicorn. He will consume the nations, his enemies, and will break their bones, and smash their weapons. Numbers 24:8.

'Horns' and 'the strength of a unicorn' mean the power of truth that springs from good, see 2832. And there are many other places besides all these. Since most things in the Word also have a contrary sense, no less do 'god' and 'gods', names which are used when the subject is falsity and power from falsity, as in Ezekiel,

The gods (elim) of the mighty will speak to him in the midst of hell. Ezekiel 32:21.

In Isaiah,

You inflamed yourselves among the gods (elim) under every green tree. Isaiah 57:5.

Here the name 'gods' is used on account of falsities. Similar examples exist in other places.


1. 'El Elohe Israel may be understood in two different ways - 'God, the God of Israel' or 'Israel's God of gods'. Most English versions of the Bible prefer the first of these (e.g. in Genesis 46:3; Deuteronomy 10:17).

2. literally, the searchings

3. literally, the strengths

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.