From Swedenborg's Works


Divine Love and Wisdom #128

Study this Passage

/ 432  

128. It can be seen from this what a misconception and consequent falsity those people are caught up in who suppose that the Lord allots heaven arbitrarily, or that He arbitrarily grants one person to be wiser and more loving than another, when in fact the Lord wills everyone to be as wise and saved as another equally. For He provides for all the means. To the extent anyone accepts these means and lives in accordance with them, to that extent he becomes wise and is saved; for the Lord is the same in one person as in another. On the other hand, the recipients, who are angels and people, are not the same owing to their differing reception and life.

The fact of this can be seen from what we have now said about zones and the abodes of angels in accordance with them, namely, that this diversity is caused not by the Lord, but by the recipients.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #315

Study this Passage

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315. But if he is not the kind who wishes to be told, the awakened person, or soul, is in that case eager to get away from the company of those angels. This the angels are quick to perceive, for in the next life all the ideas constituting a person's thought are communicated. When he is eager to get away from them, it is not they who abandon him, but he who severs his connection with them. Angels love everybody and above all else wish to render kindly services, to inform, and to lead him to heaven. Their chief delight consists in doing these things.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.