From Swedenborg's Works


Heaven and Hell #414

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/ 603  

414. People in heaven are continually progressing toward the springtime of life. The more thousands of years they live, the more pleasant and happy is their springtime. This continues forever, increasing according to the growth and level of their love, thoughtfulness, and faith.

As the years pass, elderly women who have died of old age - women who have lived in faith in the Lord, thoughtfulness toward their neighbor, and in contented marriage love with their husbands - come more and more into the flower of growing youth and into a beauty that surpasses any notion of beauty accessible to our sight. Their goodness and thoughtfulness is what gives them their form and gives them its own likeness, making the pleasure and beauty of thoughtfulness radiate from every least corner of their faces so that they become actual forms of thoughtfulness. Some people have seen them and have been stunned. The form of thoughtfulness that is open to view in heaven is like this because it is thoughtfulness itself that both gives and is given visible form. In fact, it does this in such a way that the whole angel, especially her face, is virtually thoughtfulness itself appearing to open perception. When people look at this form, its beauty is unutterable, affecting the very inmost life of the mind with thoughtfulness. In a word, to grow old in heaven is to grow young. People who have lived in love for the Lord and in thoughtfulness toward their neighbor are forms like this, or beauties like this, in the other life. All angels are forms like this, in infinite variety. This is what makes heaven.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


True Christian Religion #36

Study this Passage

/ 853  


We made a distinction between the Being (Esse) and Essence of God, because there is a distinction between God's Infinity and His Love, and the term infinity is applicable to God's Being and the term Love to His Essence. As stated above, God's Being is more universal than His Essence; and in the same way His Infinity is more universal than His Love. For this reason 'infinite' is the adjective appropriate to the essentials and attributes of God; all of these are called infinite, thus the Divine Love is infinite, the Divine Wisdom is infinite, and so is the Divine Power. It is not that God's Being existed before His Essence, but it enters into His Essence as an adjunct which is inseparable, directing, forming and at the same time raising it to a higher plane. This section of the chapter will be discussed under separate headings as before.

(i) God is Love itself and Wisdom itself, these two making up His Essence.

(ii) God is Good itself and Truth itself, because Good refers to Love and Truth to Wisdom.

(iii) Love itself and Wisdom itself constitute Life itself, or Life in itself.

(iv) Love and Wisdom are one in God.

(v) The essence of love is loving others than oneself, wishing to be one with them and devoting oneself to their happiness.

(vi) These properties of the Divine Love were the reason the universe was created, and are the reason it is preserved in existence.

These headings must now be discussed one by one.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.