From Swedenborg's Works


Soul-Body Interaction #0

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Soul-Body Interaction, Believed to Occur either by a Physical Inflow, or by a Spiritual Inflow, or by a Preestablished Harmony.

§§12 / [Author’s Introduction]

1. §3 / There are two worlds: a spiritual world where spirits and angels live, and an earthly world where we live.

2. §4 / The spiritual world came into being and is kept in existence from its sun, and the earthly world, from its sun.

3. §5 / The sun of the spiritual world is pure love from Jehovah God,

who is at its center.

4. §6 / Warmth and light emanates from that sun; the essence of that emanating warmth is love, and the essence of the emanating light is wisdom.

5. §7 / Both spiritual warmth and spiritual light flow into us. The warmth flows into our will and gives rise there to a love for doing what is good, and the light flows into our understanding and gives rise there to the truth that leads to wisdom.

6. §8 / These two—spiritual warmth and spiritual light, or love and wisdom—flow together from God into the human soul, flow through our soul into our mind and its feelings and thoughts, and flow from there into our physical senses, speech, and actions.

7. §9 / The sun of our earthly world is nothing but fire, and is the means by which this earthly world came into being and is kept in existence.

8. §10 / This means that everything that emanates from the physical sun is in and of itself dead.

9. §11 / What is spiritual wears what is physical the way we wear clothes.

10. §12 / It is spiritual elements clothed in this way that enable us to live as rational and moral beings—that is, to live spiritually on this earthly level.

11. §13 / How receptive we are to this inflow depends on the state of love and wisdom within us.

12. §14 / Our understanding can be lifted into the light (that is, the wisdom) that angels enjoy to the extent that our rational ability has been cultivated; and our will can be elevated into the warmth, or love, of heaven, depending on how we live our lives. However, the love in our will becomes elevated only to the extent that we will and do what the wisdom in our understanding teaches us.

13. §15 / It is totally different for animals.

14. §16 / Unknown until now, there are three levels in the spiritual world and three in this earthly world, and these shape the way all inflow happens.

15. §17 / Purposes are on the first level, means on the second, and results on the third.

16. §18 / This shows us the nature of spiritual inflow, from its origin to its results.

§§1920 / [Concluding Accounts]

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Soul-Body Interaction #1

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1. THERE have been three grand theories—hypotheses, actually—of the nature of the interaction between the soul and the body, meaning the way one affects the other and cooperates with it. The first of these is known as “physical inflow,” the second “spiritual inflow,” and the third “preestablished harmony.”

The first, called physical inflow, is based on the way things seem to our senses and on the deceptive appearances that result, since it seems as though the objects of sight that affect our eyes flow into our thinking and make thoughts happen. In the same way, it seems as though the conversations that affect our ears flow into our minds and cause ideas to form there. We could say much the same of smell, taste, and touch as well. Because our sensory organs first receive the stimuli that impinge on them from the world, and because the mind seems both to think and to will things in response to those stimuli, the classical philosophers and Scholastics believed that an inflow from our sense impressions impinged on our soul. This led them to come up with the hypothesis that the inflow between the two was physical, or earthly, in nature.

[2] The second view, called spiritual inflow (some call it “occasional inflow”), is based on the laws of the divine design. It sees the soul as a spiritual substance and therefore something purer, primary, and inward; while the body is matter and is therefore coarser, secondary, and outward. In the divine design, what is purer flows into what is coarser, what is primary flows into what is secondary, and what is inward flows into what is outward. Therefore what is spiritual flows into what is material, and not the reverse. To be more specific, the part of our mind devoted to thinking flows into our eyesight in accordance with the state imposed on our eyes by the objects we are seeing, and also imposes its own priorities on that state. In the same way, the part of our mind devoted to perception flows into our hearing in accordance with the state imposed on our ears by what is being said.

[3] The third view, called preestablished harmony, is based on plausible rational fallacies, because when the mind is producing an effect it does so in unison and simultaneously with the body. However, every deed starts out sequential and only later becomes simultaneous. Inflow is sequential, and harmony is simultaneous, as we can see when the mind thinks something and then says it or when it wills something and then does it. It is a rational fallacy, then, to insist that there is a simultaneous aspect yet deny that there is a [prior] sequential one.

These three are the only possible theories—there is no fourth. The soul activates the body, or the body activates the soul, or the two are constantly acting in unison.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.