From Swedenborg's Works


Soul-Body Interaction #0

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Soul-Body Interaction, Believed to Occur either by a Physical Inflow, or by a Spiritual Inflow, or by a Preestablished Harmony.

§§12 / [Author’s Introduction]

1. §3 / There are two worlds: a spiritual world where spirits and angels live, and an earthly world where we live.

2. §4 / The spiritual world came into being and is kept in existence from its sun, and the earthly world, from its sun.

3. §5 / The sun of the spiritual world is pure love from Jehovah God,

who is at its center.

4. §6 / Warmth and light emanates from that sun; the essence of that emanating warmth is love, and the essence of the emanating light is wisdom.

5. §7 / Both spiritual warmth and spiritual light flow into us. The warmth flows into our will and gives rise there to a love for doing what is good, and the light flows into our understanding and gives rise there to the truth that leads to wisdom.

6. §8 / These two—spiritual warmth and spiritual light, or love and wisdom—flow together from God into the human soul, flow through our soul into our mind and its feelings and thoughts, and flow from there into our physical senses, speech, and actions.

7. §9 / The sun of our earthly world is nothing but fire, and is the means by which this earthly world came into being and is kept in existence.

8. §10 / This means that everything that emanates from the physical sun is in and of itself dead.

9. §11 / What is spiritual wears what is physical the way we wear clothes.

10. §12 / It is spiritual elements clothed in this way that enable us to live as rational and moral beings—that is, to live spiritually on this earthly level.

11. §13 / How receptive we are to this inflow depends on the state of love and wisdom within us.

12. §14 / Our understanding can be lifted into the light (that is, the wisdom) that angels enjoy to the extent that our rational ability has been cultivated; and our will can be elevated into the warmth, or love, of heaven, depending on how we live our lives. However, the love in our will becomes elevated only to the extent that we will and do what the wisdom in our understanding teaches us.

13. §15 / It is totally different for animals.

14. §16 / Unknown until now, there are three levels in the spiritual world and three in this earthly world, and these shape the way all inflow happens.

15. §17 / Purposes are on the first level, means on the second, and results on the third.

16. §18 / This shows us the nature of spiritual inflow, from its origin to its results.

§§1920 / [Concluding Accounts]

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Soul-Body Interaction #13

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13. 11 How receptive we are to this inflow depends on the state of love and wisdom within us.

I have already explained that we are not life but organs receptive of life, that love united to wisdom is life, and that God is love itself and wisdom itself and therefore life itself [§§5, 8, 10, 11]. It then follows that we are images of God or receptors of life from God to the extent that we love wisdom, or hold wisdom in the embrace of love within ourselves. Conversely, to the extent that we engage in the opposite love and therefore in madness, we receive our life not from God but from hell, a life that is called death.

[2] By themselves love and wisdom do not constitute life, although they are the realities that lie behind it; it is the delights that accompany love and the pleasures that accompany wisdom, which are feelings, that constitute life. The underlying reality of life manifests itself by means of these feelings. The inflow of life from God brings with it these delights and pleasures the way light and warmth flow in and affect our minds in spring. Light and warmth flow into every kind of bird and beast as well and even into plants, which then sprout and flourish. This is because the delights of love and the pleasures of wisdom open our spirits and prepare them to be receptive, the way joy and happiness relax our faces and ready them for the inflow of the soul’s good cheer.

[3] People moved by love for wisdom are like the Garden of Eden with its two trees, one of life and the other of the knowledge of good and evil [Genesis 2:9]. The tree of life is when we believe that love and wisdom come from the Lord; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is when we believe that these qualities come from ourselves. In the latter case, we are insane, and yet believe that we are as wise as God. In the former case we are truly wise, and believe that no one is wise except God and that people are wise to the extent that they believe this—and even wiser to the extent that they feel they want it to be this way. (There is more on this subject in the account in Marriage Love 132136.)

[4] In support of this, let me add a secret from heaven. All the angels of heaven turn their foreheads toward the Lord as the sun, and all the angels of hell turn the backs of their heads toward him. These latter are receptive to an inflow into the feelings that belong to their will—feelings that are basically cravings—and constrain their understanding to go along. The former are receptive to an inflow into the feelings that belong to their understanding and constrain their will to go along. As a result, these enjoy wisdom, while the others are deranged.

Our understanding resides in the cerebrum, which is behind the forehead, while our will resides in the cerebellum, which is in the back of the head.

[5] Everyone knows that people who are crazed by false notions go along with the cravings associated with their type of evil and support them with reasons drawn from their understanding, whereas people who are wise see on the basis of truths the quality of the cravings in their will and hold them in check. The wise do this because they turn their faces toward God. That is, they put their trust in God and not in themselves. On the other hand, the deranged turn their faces away from God. That is, they put their trust in themselves and not in God. Trusting in ourselves is believing that we love and are wise on our own, and not from God. This is what “eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” [Genesis 2:17; 3:3, 6] means. On the other hand, trusting in God is believing that we love and are wise from God and not on our own; and this is eating from the tree of life (Revelation 2:7).

[6] We may gather from all this (though only dimly, as if by moonlight at night) that how receptive we are to the inflow of life from God depends on our state of love and wisdom.

We may further illustrate this inflow by the inflow of light and warmth into plants. They bloom and bear fruit depending on the way the fibers that form them are woven together and therefore depending on their receptiveness. We may also illustrate it by the way light flows into precious stones, which turn the light into different colors depending on the positioning of their component parts and therefore again on their receptiveness. Or we could mention prisms and raindrops that make rainbows depending on the angles of incidence and refraction, and therefore on the way they receive the light. Human minds react similarly to the spiritual light that emanates from the Lord as the sun; it is constantly flowing in, but we receive it in different ways.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.