From Swedenborg's Works


Soul-Body Interaction #0

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Soul-Body Interaction, Believed to Occur either by a Physical Inflow, or by a Spiritual Inflow, or by a Preestablished Harmony.

§§12 / [Author’s Introduction]

1. §3 / There are two worlds: a spiritual world where spirits and angels live, and an earthly world where we live.

2. §4 / The spiritual world came into being and is kept in existence from its sun, and the earthly world, from its sun.

3. §5 / The sun of the spiritual world is pure love from Jehovah God,

who is at its center.

4. §6 / Warmth and light emanates from that sun; the essence of that emanating warmth is love, and the essence of the emanating light is wisdom.

5. §7 / Both spiritual warmth and spiritual light flow into us. The warmth flows into our will and gives rise there to a love for doing what is good, and the light flows into our understanding and gives rise there to the truth that leads to wisdom.

6. §8 / These two—spiritual warmth and spiritual light, or love and wisdom—flow together from God into the human soul, flow through our soul into our mind and its feelings and thoughts, and flow from there into our physical senses, speech, and actions.

7. §9 / The sun of our earthly world is nothing but fire, and is the means by which this earthly world came into being and is kept in existence.

8. §10 / This means that everything that emanates from the physical sun is in and of itself dead.

9. §11 / What is spiritual wears what is physical the way we wear clothes.

10. §12 / It is spiritual elements clothed in this way that enable us to live as rational and moral beings—that is, to live spiritually on this earthly level.

11. §13 / How receptive we are to this inflow depends on the state of love and wisdom within us.

12. §14 / Our understanding can be lifted into the light (that is, the wisdom) that angels enjoy to the extent that our rational ability has been cultivated; and our will can be elevated into the warmth, or love, of heaven, depending on how we live our lives. However, the love in our will becomes elevated only to the extent that we will and do what the wisdom in our understanding teaches us.

13. §15 / It is totally different for animals.

14. §16 / Unknown until now, there are three levels in the spiritual world and three in this earthly world, and these shape the way all inflow happens.

15. §17 / Purposes are on the first level, means on the second, and results on the third.

16. §18 / This shows us the nature of spiritual inflow, from its origin to its results.

§§1920 / [Concluding Accounts]

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


Soul-Body Interaction #4

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4. 2 The spiritual world came into being and is kept in existence from its sun, and the earthly world, from its sun.

THE reason there is one sun of the spiritual world and another sun of the earthly world is that these worlds are quite distinct from each other, and a world has its origin in a sun. A world in which everything is spiritual cannot arise from a sun that yields only earthly things, since this would be a physical inflow, which violates the basic design.

We can be assured that the world has arisen from its sun and not the reverse by the relationship between cause and effect, noting that in every respect our world is sustained by its sun, and the way it is sustained shows the way in which it arose. That is why we say that “enduring is a constant coming into being.” We can see from this that if the sun were taken away, the world would collapse into chaos and then into nothingness.

[2] I can testify that the spiritual world has a different sun from the one in the earthly world because I have seen it. Like our sun, it looks fiery and about the same size. It is far away from angels, as our sun is from us, but does not rise or set. Rather, it stands still halfway between the zenith and the horizon, which gives angels a constant light and a constant springtime.

[3] Rationalists who are not aware of the spiritual world’s sun may readily develop insane concepts of the creation of the universe. When they think deeply about that creation, all they can discern is that it comes from nature; and since the source of nature is the physical sun, they can think only that creation comes from the sun as its creator.

Further, people cannot grasp anything about spiritual inflow unless they also know where it comes from. All inflow comes from a sun, spiritual inflow from its sun and earthly inflow from its sun. Our inner sight, the sight of our minds, receives an inflow from the spiritual sun; while our outer sight, our physical sight, receives an inflow from the earthly sun. The two kinds of sight are coordinated in their activities the way the soul is coordinated with the body.

[4] We can see from this the blindness, darkness, and folly that people can fall into if they do not know anything about the spiritual world and its sun. There is blindness because the mind that relies in its logical operations wholly and only on what the eye can see is like a bat that flies erratically and sporadically toward towels on a clothesline at night. There is darkness because when our mental sight is subservient to what flows into the sight of our eyes it is deprived of any spiritual light and becomes like the eyesight of an owl; and there is folly because although we go right on thinking, we think about spiritual matters on the basis of earthly matters and not the reverse, which means that our thinking becomes deranged, stupid, and foolish.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.