From Swedenborg's Works


True Christian Religion #234

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234. VI. The literal sense of the Word produces a link with the Lord and association with the angels.

The Word produces a link with the Lord, because He is the Word, that is, Divine truth itself and Divine good itself contained in it. The link is produced by the literal sense, because in that sense the Word is in its fulness, holiness and power, as was shown above in the section on this subject [214-224]. That link is not visible to man, but lies in the affection for truth and the perception of truth. The reason why the literal sense produces association with the angels in heaven is that the spiritual and celestial senses are contained in it, and these are the senses the angels possess; the angels of the Lord's spiritual kingdom possess the spiritual sense of the Word, those of His celestial kingdom its celestial sense. These two senses are unwound from the Word, when a person who regards it as holy reads it. The unwinding takes place instantly, and so therefore does the association.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

From Swedenborg's Works


True Christian Religion #806

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806. The British 1 in the spiritual world.

Human beings have two modes of thinking, external and internal. In the natural world they use the external mode, in the spiritual world the internal. These two modes act as one in the case of the good, but not in the case of the wicked. It is rarely possible in the natural world to see what a person's interior is like, since he has learned from childhood to behave well and rationally, and he likes to seem to be so. But in the spiritual world everyone's nature is plain to see, for then he is a spirit, and the spirit is the internal man. Now because I have been allowed to be in that world and see there what internal men from different kingdoms are like, it is my duty, because of its importance, to make this generally known.


1. The Latin uses the term equivalent to 'English', but it is clear that the Scots are included; Spiritual Diary 812.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.