Arcana Coelestia #1635

Door Emanuel Swedenborg

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1635. When spirits have spoken to me I have heard and perceived their speech as clearly as that used by man speaking to man. Indeed when I have talked to spirits while I have been in the company of men, I have observed that just as the men's speech was audible to me so also was that of the spirits, so audible that sometimes the spirits were amazed that their speaking to me was not heard by others; for as far as hearing was concerned no difference at all existed between the speech of the spirits and that of the men. Yet because influx into the internal organs of hearing is not of the same kind as the influx of spoken words among men, those spirits could not be heard by anybody other than myself whose internal organs in the Lord's Divine mercy have been opened. Human speech is brought in through the ear by an external route, by means of the air, whereas the speech of spirits does not come in through the ear nor by means of the air but by an internal route, into the same organs of the head or brain. The hearing is consequently the same.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.