Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture #4

Door Emanuel Swedenborg

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4. Lest people remain in doubt, therefore, that such is the nature of the Word, the Lord has revealed to me the internal meaning of the Word, one that in its essence is spiritual, which is present in the outward, natural meaning, like a soul in its body. That meaning is the spirit which gives life to the letter. Consequently it is that meaning which can testify to the Divinity and holiness of the Word, and convince even the natural man, if he is willing to be convinced.

The Word Contains a Spiritual Meaning, One Previously Unknown

[4 repeated.] This will be discussed according to the following outline:

1. What the spiritual meaning is.

2. The presence of this meaning in each and every particular of the Word.

3. That this is what causes the Word to be Divinely inspired and holy in every word.

4. That this meaning has been previously unknown.

5. And that it is granted after this only to someone who possesses genuine truths from the Lord.

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Thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.