Invitation to the New Church #21

Door Emanuel Swedenborg

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21. The whole of theology at the present day is nothing but the Divine omnipotence. It is said:

(1) That God gives faith where and to whom He pleases.

(2) That He remits sins.

(3) That He regenerates.

(4) That He sanctifies.

(5) That He imputes and saves.

(6) That He will raise the dead bodies from the graves; that He will cause the skeletons to be alive, and will put into them their former souls.

(7) That He will destroy the world, with the sun, the stars, the planets, the earths, and will create it anew.

(8) Since omnipotence is everything, and since it constitutes the order which is God, and which is from God, in the whole world, it follows that the man of the church can imagine whatever he pleases; that he can raise himself beyond the ethers, that is, above reason; and that, wherever he pleases, he can go counter to reason, and say that "reason is to be held under obedience to our faith. For is not God omnipotent? And who can, and who dares to reason in opposition to His omnipotence?" Such are all things of faith at this day.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.