Spiritual Experiences-Word Explained #4

Door Emanuel Swedenborg
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4. [See also The Word Explained 476-540, continuing to discuss Genesis 28:10-22, and the Kingdom of God in general.]


541. Now as for the Kingdom of God described here and above from the Divine Word, and to be further described below, let me say the following.

In order that everyone may believe that it will be such as described, I would like to make it known to them that it has been shown me several times. This first happened during a quiet sleep, but later in broad daylight when I was awake and able to discern it most clearly with my very senses. I actually saw how Angels, from Jehovah, the Only-begotten Son of God, descended and ascended as if by a ladder, conveying their own voice from on high through ever repeating voices, right to my ear.

Then also I could see how countless heavenly Spirits together, among them also saints who had died, were associated together so as to form one body, as if they were one person, and how they streamed in so harmoniously that not even the least discord could be felt. And this reached my very senses as clearly as objects normally reach the external senses, together with a clear voice and announcement, as if by one person, saying that this was an effigy of the Kingdom of God itself.

The sweet pleasantness and deep happiness I felt resulting from this was so great that I cannot express it in words. In a manner indescribable, it deeply penetrated my tissues and innermost marrows, and stirred them.

Because the Messiah in His infinite mercy and grace has granted me, His most unworthy servant of all, plainly to see this effigy on several occasions - but so often to experience those feelings of sweet happiness during the past two years that I will refrain from numbering the times - therefore I cannot keep from testifying to this.

[Angel; Heaven; Happiness; Harmony; Inflow; Kingdom; Ladder; One (Union)]

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Thanks to the Academy of the New Church, and Bryn Athyn College, for the permission to use this translation.