
Esta é uma tradução de: Explanation of Numbers 1:7 por Henry MacLagan in 1913

máquina traduzida em 中文


Explanation of Numbers 1:7

Data de criação: 2023

Crédito: New Christian Bible Study machine translation team.

Direitos de autor: New Christian Bible Study Corp.

All rights reserved.

Licença: Copyright by New Christian Bible Study Corp. - Ver termos

Sobre: This is a machine translation of the original content. The translation text was generated using either Google's or DeepL's translation services, depending on the language it's in.

Citação sugerida:

民数记1:7的解释. [London: JAMES SPEIRS 1 BLOOMSBURY STREET, LONDON, 1913] Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
