천국과 지옥 (김은경 번역)

Esta é uma tradução de: De Coelo et de Inferno por Swedenborg, Emanuel


Do we go anywhere when we die? In "Heaven and Hell", Swedenborg describes the spiritual world as a real "place" that operates on a different plane from the natural world. In it there are three main states - a place where we gradually lose our ability to hide our real loves and where we sort ourselves into those who have good loves as their ruling love and those who are primarily selfish. Good people gravitate to communities where there are like-minded people and so do evil people - forming heavenly societies and hellish ones. It's a fascinating account and even religious skeptics will find some food for thought.

Sobre esta tradução:

우리가 죽으면 어디든 가나 요? 스베덴보리는 영적 세계를 실제 세계와 다른 차원에서 작동하는 실제 "장소"로 묘사합니다.

Citação sugerida:

천국과 지옥. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
