Summaries in Exposition of Apocalypse # 2

Por Emanuel Swedenborg
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About those in the church, from whom the New Jerusalem can arise.

From those who look firstly to the truths of faith and not the goods of charity; this refers to the church in Ephesus, verses 1-7.

From those who are in goods as regards their life, and in falsities as regards their doctrine; this refers to the church in Smyrna, verses 8-11.

From those who make good works the church's all in all and not at all the truths of doctrine; this refers to the church in Pergamum, verses 12-17.

From those who are in faith from charity, and consequently in good works; there too about those who are in faith separated from charity, and consequently in evil deeds; this refers to the church in Thyatira, verses 18-29. [Written in the margin.] For the churches, that they may acknowledge the Lord as the God of heaven; and the works of charity.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.