True Christian Religion # 724

Por Emanuel Swedenborg

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724. As in previous cases these facts can be illustrated by examples which agree and also correspond, as for instance the following. None are admitted to the table of an emperor or king but those who hold high office and rank; and these, before coming, dress themselves in proper clothes and wear their decorations, so that when they appear they will be received and approved. Should one then not do the same on approaching the Lord's table, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings (Revelation 17:14), and all are invited and called to His table? But only those who are spiritually worthy and in dignified dress are, after rising from the table, admitted to the palaces of heaven and the joys of heaven, being honoured like princes, because they are sons of the greatest King, and afterwards sit at table daily with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Matthew 8:11). By these names are meant the Lord as regards the celestial Divine, the spiritual Divine, and the natural Divine.

The same facts can also be compared with a wedding on earth, to which only close relatives, kinsfolk and friends of the bridegroom and bride are invited. If anyone else comes, he is allowed in, but leaves because there is no place for him at the table. It is much the same with those who are summoned to the wedding of the Lord as bridegroom with the church as bride. Among these are the kinsfolk, relatives and friends who belong to the family by being regenerated by the Lord. Moreover, is anyone in the world allowed to become someone's friend, unless in sincerity of heart he trusts him and does his will? It is this person and no others that one counts among one's friends and to whom one entrusts one's property.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.