Apocalipse Revelado (Tradução Figueiredo)

Это перевод: Apocalypsis Revelata по Swedenborg, Emanuel

В переводе на Português


This is a detailed explanation of the inner meaning of the "Apocalypse," or the "Book of Revelation." Swedenborg goes through it, chapter by chapter and verse by verse. The visions described by John were spiritual events - not natural ones - but all the more important for that. The false ideas and evil loves that got embedded in the Christian church had to be expunged, so a true understanding of the Bible and a new set of ideas drawn from it could lead to a new Christian religion with truer faith and real charity.

Об этом переводе:

Esta é uma explicação detalhada do significado interior das visões de João, como ele as descreveu no "Livro do Apocalipse", ou "Apocalipse".

Дата создания: 1987

Благодаря: Tradução de J. Lopes Figueiredo. EDITORA E LIVRARIA SWEDENBORG LTDA. Rua das Graças, 45 — Bairro de Fátima Rio de Janeiro — Brasil CEP 20240 1987

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Получен из: http://novaigreja.com.br

Рекомендуемые цитаты:

Apocalipse Revelado. Translated. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
