Arcana Coelestia # 249

Написано Эмануэль Сведенборг

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249. 'Eating dust all the days of its life' means that the sensory part had become such as could live from nothing else than the bodily and the earthly, and so had become hellish. This too is clear from the meaning of 'dust' in the Word, as in Micah, 7:14, 16-17.

Shepherd Your people as in the days of eternity. The nations will see and be ashamed at all their might, they will lick the dust like serpents of the earth they will be shifted from their strongholds.

'Days of eternity' stands for the Most Ancient Church, 'nations' for people who put their trust in the proprium, who are referred to as 'licking dust like a serpent'. In David,

Barbarians will bow down before God, and His enemies lick the dust. Psalms 72:9.

'Barbarians' and 'enemies' stand for those who look solely to earthly and worldly things. In Isaiah,

Serpents, dust will be their bread. Isaiah 65:25.

Because 'dust' meant people who did not look to spiritual and celestial things but to bodily and earthly, the Lord commanded the disciples to shake the dust off their feet if a city or house was not worthy, Matthew 10:14. For more on 'dust' meaning that which is condemned and hellish, see at verse 19.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.