Светове в космоса

Это перевод: De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari по Swedenborg, Emanuel


In this book Swedenborg describes spiritual experiences in which he met and conversed with people in the spiritual world who had inhabited other planets, some in our solar system and some from deeper space. The main theme of this work is that the God that we know from the Word is in fact the God of the whole universe, and that spiritually aware beings receive a common universal influx of love and wisdom from God.

Об этом переводе:

Сведенборг е бил както учен-физик, така и ранен психолог. Той усвоява техники за медитация и записва духовните си преживявания. В някои случаи той описва срещи с духовно осъзнати хора от други планети.

Рекомендуемые цитаты:

Светове в космоса. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
