Index - Angelic Wisdom about Marriage - 2 # 4

Написано Эмануэль Сведенборг
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1. Marriages in heaven (2-30 [Conjugial Love 27-41]).

2. The origin of conjugial love (31-76 [Conjugial Love 83-102]).

3. The delights of love truly conjugial (77-146 [Conjugial Love 183; 69, 144, 155, 293, 294]).

4. The connection of conjugial love with all the loves of heaven (147-222 [Conjugial Love 388-390]).

5. Masculine and feminine conjugial love, specifically; and the intelligence of each (223-303 [Conjugial Love 218; 32, 61, 88, 90, 168]).

6. The marriage of good and truth (304-407 [Conjugial Love 83-102, 122, 123]).

7. The differences and the variety of conjugial love, according to the states of the church with men (408-568 [Conjugial Love 130]).

8. The increments of love truly conjugial, and the decrease of love not truly conjugial (769-763 [Conjugial Love 162, 184-200, 213, 214, 432, 433]).

{*Note: The following about Universals is on the previous page, but marked for insertion here between the sentences numbered 8 and 9.}

See the UNIVERSALS concerning conjugial love, (569-763; especially the last part of 723), concerning masculine love and feminine; (also 564-852.)

9. Conjugial similitude and dissimilitude (564-852 [Conjugial Love 227-229, 246]).

10. The causes of coldnesses, separations, and divorces, with consorts (853-1018 [Conjugial Love 234-270]).

11. Polygamy, or plurality of wives (1019-1110 [Conjugial Love 332-352]).

12. Betrothals and nuptials (1111-1193 [Conjugial Love 295-314]).

13. The difference between the love of the sex with beasts and the love of the sex with men (1194-1251 [Conjugial Love 94, 137, 230, 416; see also the posthumous treatise, Concerning Divine Love, xxi.]).

14. The change of state of woman and of man by marriage; from which change the virgin becomes a wife, and the young man a husband (1252-1286 [Conjugial Love 184-200]).

15. The state of widowers and of widows; also concerning repeated marriages (1287-1300 [Conjugial Love 317-325]).

16. The marriage of the Lord with the church (1301-1344 [Conjugial Love 116-131]).

17. Correspondence of the marriage of the Lord and the church with things relating to marriage with angels and men (1345-1457 [Conjugial Love 125-127]).

18. Natural conjugial potency and spiritual conjugial potency (1459-1585 [Conjugial Love 220, 221]).

19. The causes of love, friendship, and favor, between consorts (1586-1641 [Conjugial Love 180, 214, 290]).

20. The love of infants, or parental love (1642-1700 [Conjugial Love 176, 211]).

21. The conjunction of conjugial love with love of infants or parental love (1701-1718 [Conjugial Love 385-414]).

22. The state of two consorts after death (1719-1737 [Conjugial Love 45-54]).

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Many thanks to our friends at the Heavenly Doctrines Publishing Foundation for the permission to use this revision of the text.