2 Koningen 4:1



1 Een vrouw nu uit de vrouwen van de zonen der profeten riep tot Elisa, zeggende: Uw knecht, mijn man, is gestorven, en gij weet, dat uw knecht den HEERE was vrezende; nu is de schuldheer gekomen, om mijn beide kinderen voor zich tot knechten te nemen.

Komentimi i këtij ajeti  

Nga Henry MacLagan

Verse 1. Those who are in the affection of truth and thence in the affection of good, when, in the corrupted and perverted state of the general church, Divine Truth is wanting, are in a state of distress, though still in a state of holy fear, lest the truths derived from their good, leaching charity and faith, should come into bondage, since the Lord from Divine Truth requires full obedience to truths in particular as well as truths in general.